POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Ransomware Virus
Posted: October 23, 2012
Threat Metric
The following fields listed on the Threat Meter containing a specific value, are explained in detail below:
Threat Level: The threat level scale goes from 1 to 10 where 10 is the highest level of severity and 1 is the lowest level of severity. Each specific level is relative to the threat's consistent assessed behaviors collected from SpyHunter's risk assessment model.
Detection Count: The collective number of confirmed and suspected cases of a particular malware threat. The detection count is calculated from infected PCs retrieved from diagnostic and scan log reports generated by SpyHunter.
Volume Count: Similar to the detection count, the Volume Count is specifically based on the number of confirmed and suspected threats infecting systems on a daily basis. High volume counts usually represent a popular threat but may or may not have infected a large number of systems. High detection count threats could lay dormant and have a low volume count. Criteria for Volume Count is relative to a daily detection count.
Trend Path: The Trend Path, utilizing an up arrow, down arrow or equal symbol, represents the level of recent movement of a particular threat. Up arrows represent an increase, down arrows represent a decline and the equal symbol represent no change to a threat's recent movement.
% Impact (Last 7 Days): This demonstrates a 7-day period change in the frequency of a malware threat infecting PCs. The percentage impact correlates directly to the current Trend Path to determine a rise or decline in the percentage.
Ranking: | 897 |
Threat Level: | 2/10 |
Infected PCs: | 235,845 |
First Seen: | October 23, 2012 |
Last Seen: | March 10, 2025 |
OS(es) Affected: | Windows |
While old variants of ransomware Trojans are still credible threats, POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus is part of a new revamp to Reveton-based ransomware Trojans and uses sophisticated-looking warning messages that include legal references, webcam captures, IP address displays and other information that's designed to make it look as though your PC is in serious legal trouble. The POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus, which is targeted at Finnish PC users, displays a warning that claims that you must pay a cash fee in penance for Internet-based crimes and that your computer will be locked until this occurs. Contrary to its claims, the POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus doesn't enjoy the endorsement of Finland's government and should be deleted with anti-malware software, and SpywareRemove.com malware researchers especially warn of the futility of spending money on POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus's illegal ransom demand.
POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus and the Computer Freeze that's Frostier than a Finnish Winter
The POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus is somewhat unique in that the POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus targets the country of Finland (rather than a more popular target, such as Germany, France or the UK) in its attacks, but in most other respects, its hoax is in line with that of other Reveton-based ransomware Trojans. When your computer restarts, the POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus displays an HTML warning that's designed to make Finnish-based PC users think that Finland's cybercrime police department has targeted their computers due to illegal actions such as copyrighted media downloads or erotica-related mishaps.
The POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus also uses a radically revamped form of pop-up alert for this purpose, which includes numerous details like your IP address, webcam footage, Finland's flag colors and demonstrative icons, all used to make the pop-up look legitimate. A variant of this pop-up has also been seen attacking France via the France Ministère de l'Intérieur Virus. Accordingly, SpywareRemove.com malware analysts consider other countries in Europe to be at great risk of infection by variants of POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus that are localized for nationalities besides Finland.
Why the Real Crime is What the POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus Does to Your PC
The POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus, like all types of ransomware Trojans, only wants you to spend money (in its case, by Ukash or Paysafecard) without asking too many questions about the legality of its ransom request. Even though the POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus threatens you with legal action if you don't comply with its directives, SpywareRemove.com malware experts recommend sparing your wallet and ignoring POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus's empty bluffs.
System changes by POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus can result in lessened browser security or disabled programs, such as Windows Task Manager. SpywareRemove.com malware research team encourages the usage of both Safe Mode and USB drives as necessary to launch Windows without POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus and its pop-up appearing. A disabled POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus can be removed safely, along with its system changes, by competent anti-malware products.
Infection routes for POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus have been known to use several methods, although SpywareRemove.com malware experts have found that drive-by-download kits like Blacole and social engineering-disguised spam links are two of the most common sources of Reveton-associated ransomware Trojan attacks.
Some of the many examples of other ransomware Trojans similar to the POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus include Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware, Polisen Enhetnen för Databrott Ransomware, Guardia di Finanza Ransomware, Police Nationale FR Ransomware and members of the Lockscreen family (a group that's similar to – but distinct from - Reveton).
Use SpyHunter to Detect and Remove PC Threats
If you are concerned that malware or PC threats similar to POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Ransomware Virus may have infected your computer, we recommend you start an in-depth system scan with SpyHunter. SpyHunter is an advanced malware protection and remediation application that offers subscribers a comprehensive method for protecting PCs from malware, in addition to providing one-on-one technical support service.
* See Free Trial offer below. EULA and Privacy/Cookie Policy.
Why can't I open any program including SpyHunter? You may have a malware file running in memory that kills any programs that you try to launch on your PC. Tip: Download SpyHunter from a clean computer, copy it to a USB thumb drive, DVD or CD, then install it on the infected PC and run SpyHunter's malware scanner.
Technical Details
File System Modifications
Tutorials: If you wish to learn how to remove malware components manually, you can read the tutorials on how to find malware, kill unwanted processes, remove malicious DLLs and delete other harmful files. Always be sure to back up your PC before making any changes.
The following files were created in the system:Tietokoneen on lukittu! Tietokoneesi toiminta on keskeytetty luvattoman aktiivisuuden vuoksi. Edellä on mainittu tekemäsi mandolliset rikkomukset: Artikla 274- Tekijänoikeus Sakko tai vankeusrangaistus enintään 4 vuotta (Tekijänoikeuden suojaaman tiedos
File name: Tietokoneen on lukittu! Tietokoneesi toiminta on keskeytetty luvattoman aktiivisuuden vuoksi. Edellä on mainittu tekemäsi mandolliset rikkomukset: Artikla 274- Tekijänoikeus Sakko tai vankeusrangaistus enintään 4 vuotta (Tekijänoikeuden suojaaman tiedosMime Type: unknown/ Edellä on mainittu tekemäsi mandolliset rikkomukset: Artikla 274- Tekijänoikeus Sakko tai vankeusrangaistus enintään 4 vuotta (Tekijänoikeuden suojaaman tiedos
Group: Malware file
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