Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware
Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware is a ransomware Trojan that displays fake police alerts that are localized for Sweden, simultaneously locking down your computer (by blocking other programs) and insisting that you pay a legal fine to remedy the situation. Even though Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware's pop-up warning accuses your PC of being involved in pornography-related crimes, ESG malware researchers haven't found any signs that Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware is linked to actual Swedish law enforcement, nor have they seen circumstances indicative of Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware detecting genuine criminal activity. With the look of a standard computer-based ransom scam, Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware should be disabled and then removed with suitable anti-malware programs without so much of a dime of your money leaving your pocket.
Why Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware Abuses Geolocating Techniques for Misdeeds
After its installation by surreptitious means, the initial attack method for Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware will attempt to identify the infected PC's country by looking at its IP address. While this means of divining a PC user's location can be dodged by those wise in the ways of IP forwarding and masking techniques, the average web surfer usually will be identified by their home region. An appropriate pop-up alert is loaded by the ransomware in question, with Sweden-based victims getting a full screen of Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware's pop-up warning.
This pop-up alert includes the PC user's IP address, country and even a capture of the PC's webcam input that's displayed in a 'recording' window – the latter apparently was included to make it look as though your actions are being monitored by law enforcement. Along with these unnerving tidbits, the main body of Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware's alert will claim that you've been caught participating in online crimes, such as viewing child pornography. However, ESG malware researchers note that there are no known instances of any law enforcement agency using hostile software in the manner of Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware to lock down the PCs of minor criminals like pornography traffickers.
Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware's lengthy warning goes on to list extreme consequences for your supposed 'crimes,' including heavy fees and potential jail time. Nonetheless, threats are just bluffs to make you pay a relatively small (but still completely illegal) fine via Ukash, in the fashion of Ukash Virus family members and similar ransomware Trojans. ESG malware research team recommends that you avoid paying this fee entirely, since Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware isn't affiliated with real Swedish law enforcement and has no ability to do anything other than what Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware is already doing by blocking your computer activities.
What You Can Do to Slip Out of Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware's Handcuffs
Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware may be capable of blocking other programs as long as Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware is open, but disabling Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware isn't nearly as difficult as you can think. If you have access to a USB device, ESG malware experts recommend loading a bootable OS on the device and using it to start your PC. This will let you scan your PC and remove Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware with an anti-malware product of your choice without having to work your way past an encounter with Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware's pop-up alert.
While ESG malware experts note that Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware targets Swedish PC users specifically, Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware also bears a heavy resemblance to similar Ukash Virus-like ransomware Trojans from other countries, including Cybercrime Investigation Department Virus, 'Votre ordinateur est bloqué' Belgium Ransomware, the West Yorkshire Ransomware, the Gema 'Access to your computer was denied' Virus and the International Police Association (I.P.A.) Virus.
Use SpyHunter to Detect and Remove PC Threats
If you are concerned that malware or PC threats similar to Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware may have infected your computer, we recommend you start an in-depth system scan with SpyHunter. SpyHunter is an advanced malware protection and remediation application that offers subscribers a comprehensive method for protecting PCs from malware, in addition to providing one-on-one technical support service.
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Why can't I open any program including SpyHunter? You may have a malware file running in memory that kills any programs that you try to launch on your PC. Tip: Download SpyHunter from a clean computer, copy it to a USB thumb drive, DVD or CD, then install it on the infected PC and run SpyHunter's malware scanner.
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# | Message |
1 | Din dator ar last – for ett eller fera skal som anges nedan. Du har brutit mot lagen 'om upphovsratt och narsaende rattigheter' (Video, Musik, Software) eftersom du har olagligt anvandat och / eller distribuerat innehall som skyddat for upphovsratt och darmed du har brutit mot $l28 Straffratt Sverige. $128 Straffratt Sverige foreskriver ett straff fran 2 till 500 ganger minimilonen eller fangelse fran 2 till s ar. Du har tittat eller distribuerat ett pomografiskt innehall som ar forbjudet (Child Porno /Zofilia och etc). Det ar ett brott mot $202 Straffratt Sverige. $ 202 Straffratt Sverige foreskriver fangelse for en period av 4 till 12 ar. Fran din dator gjordes en olaglig tillgang till uppgifter eller du $208 Straffratt Sverige foreskriver ett straff till 100.000C eller fangelse for en period av fran 4 till 9 ar. Eftersom fran din dator gjordes olagligt tilltrade utan din vetskap, ar det mojligt att din datom blev infekterad med skadlig programvara. Det heter ocksa att du bryter mot lagen om 'En forsummelse att anvanda en dator.' $210 Straffratt Sverige foreskriver ett straff fran 20006 till 80006. Eftersom fran din dator (ocksa om utan din vetskap) gjordes spam – sendning eller andra olagliga verksamheter med mal att gora en vinst, ar det mojligt att din dator blev infekterad med skadlig programvara. $212 Straffratt Sverige foreskriver ett straff till 250.000C och fangelse for en period av till 6 ar. Om operationen utfors utan din vetskap, omfattas du av i det har avsnittet $210 Straffratt Sverige. Just nu bestams din personlighet och din lokalisering. Inom 24 timmar kommer att vara ett kriminalfall emot dig enligt en eller flera av de namnda artiklama. I samband med andringen av strafflagen i Sverige, den 28 maj 2012, (om det inte ar ett aterfall – altsa som handes den forsta gangen) brottet kan avbrytas om betalning av boter kommer till staten. Boter kan endast betalas ut for 24 timmar efter brott. Vid utgangen av 24 timmar loper ut pa formagan att betala boterna och inom de narmaste 24 timmama kommer att oppnas ett kriminalfall emot dig! For att lasa upp datorn maste du betala boterna genom Ukash pa 500 kr. Din dator kommer att frigoras i tidsintervallet fran de forsta 24 timmarna efter pengar for att betala boter kommer in pa bekostnad av staten. Efter upplasning far du sju arbetsdagar pa sig for att ratta till alla overtradelser. Om alla krankningar inte kommer att korrigeras inom 7 arbetsdagar blockeras din dator igen och du kommer att oppnas automatiskt ett brottmal pa en av ovanstaende objekt eller flera objekt. Foljande betalningssatt kan ses boter till staten. |
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