Guardia di Finanza Ransomware
Guardia di Finanza Ransomware is an Italian-specific variant of a ransomware Trojan that locks down your PC under the pretense of being an alert from local police, thereafter requesting that you spend money to restore functionality to your computer. However, although Guardia di Finanza Ransomware uses the logo of the Guardia di Finanza, Guardia di Finanza Ransomware is not affiliated in any way with legitimate legal authorities, but rather, is a scam that tries to make people panic and buy back their computer's freedom. This method of restoring your PC from Guardia di Finanza Ransomware isn't recommended due to the uncertainty of success as well as the blatant waste of money that Guardia di Finanza Ransomware represents; however, malware researchers have found that Guardia di Finanza Ransomware and similar types of ransomware Trojans can be removed by anti-malware software, as long as you take basic safety measures to disable them first.
Guardia di Finanza Ransomware – Not a Program that Italy's Government is Likely to Embrace Any Time Soon
Guardia di Finanza Ransomware, like other types of ransomware Trojans from the same subgroup, is localized for a specific region and uses basic icons and other indicators that are linked to a particular region's law enforcement. In Guardia di Finanza Ransomware's case, of course, the law enforcement entity that Guardia di Finanza Ransomware invokes is the Guardia di Finanza, an Italian police force, and the rest of its communications are also, appropriately, presented in Italian. However, Guardia di Finanza Ransomware's messages can be disregarded as self-destructive for your PC, since Guardia di Finanza Ransomware will only claim that Guardia di Finanza Ransomware caught you breaking an arbitrary law (which Guardia di Finanza Ransomware hasn't) and insist that you pay a fine (which you shouldn't) to its criminal partners. A sample of a standard Guardia di Finanza Ransomware warning message is provided below, along with an English translation for your convenience.
Guardia di Finanza
Insieme per la Legalità
E’ stata rilevata attività illegale, il sistema è stata bloccata per una violenza delle Leggi della Repubblica Italiana.
[English translation]
Guardia di Finanza
Together for Legality
An illegal activity was detected, the system has been blocked for a violation of the Laws of the Italian Republic.
Guardia di Finanza Ransomware is installed with assistance from Blackhole Exploit Kits, and makes use of well-known script vulnerabilities (such as CVE-2010-0186 or CVE-2011-2110) to attack your PC. Avoiding installation of Flash and Java or disabling them where appropriate, can reduce the effectiveness of a Guardia di Finanza Ransomware attack, although it shouldn't be treated as a total substitute for having dependable anti-malware software.
Taking Down Guardia di Finanza Ransomware's Hoax
Guardia di Finanza Ransomware and similar Trojans (such as the Scotland Yards Ukash Virus, Strathclyde Police Ukash Virus, Fake Federal German Police (BKA) Notice and the 'Die offizielle Mitteilung des Bundeskriminalamtes' Trojan) will threaten your PC with the deletion of all files on your hard drive if you fail to comply with their ransom fees within twenty-four hours. However, malware experts are happy to report that these threats are empty bluffs and that you can ignore this meaningless deadline with impunity.
Deleting Guardia di Finanza Ransomware, however, can be complicated due to the fact that Guardia di Finanza Ransomware will try to prevent you from running other programs while Guardia di Finanza Ransomware is active. You can work around Guardia di Finanza Ransomware's blockade by disabling Guardia di Finanza Ransomware itself before you remove Guardia di Finanza Ransomware with an anti-malware program. Common methods of accomplishing this include booting to Safe Mode, booting from a USB device or booting into a secondary operating system. malware researchers do recommend that you run a complete system scan to detect Guardia di Finanza Ransomware, since Guardia di Finanza Ransomware may also be accompanied by other PC threats.
Use SpyHunter to Detect and Remove PC Threats
If you are concerned that malware or PC threats similar to Guardia di Finanza Ransomware may have infected your computer, we recommend you start an in-depth system scan with SpyHunter. SpyHunter is an advanced malware protection and remediation application that offers subscribers a comprehensive method for protecting PCs from malware, in addition to providing one-on-one technical support service.
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Why can't I open any program including SpyHunter? You may have a malware file running in memory that kills any programs that you try to launch on your PC. Tip: Download SpyHunter from a clean computer, copy it to a USB thumb drive, DVD or CD, then install it on the infected PC and run SpyHunter's malware scanner.
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# | Message |
1 | Guardia di Finanza Insieme per la Legalità Attenzione!!! E' stata rilevata attività illegale, il sistema è stata bloccata per una violenza delle Leggi della Repubblica Italiana. |
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