Home Malware Programs Ransomware ‘Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky’ Ransomware

‘Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky’ Ransomware

Posted: August 8, 2013

Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky Ransomware Screenshot 1The 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware is a fake Police Trojan that claims to be preventing illegal actions like copyright infringement while blocking your computer – even though the 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware will attack any PC regardless of its Internet history and does not have the authority of the Slovakian police for conducting its attacks. Similar to the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus, the 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware tries to force Slovakian residents to pay an illegal ransom and locks their computers in the meantime, preventing the use of other applications. For their part, SpywareRemove.com malware experts don't see any point in paying the 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware's ransom, but they can recommend several ways of deleting the 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware with appropriate anti-malware strategies without any needless expenses involved.

The 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware: Calling You a Criminal to Cover Up Its Own Crimes

The 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware uses a slightly outdated template for its fake warning messages, but overall can be treated as identical to similar fake Police Ransomware Trojans that have attacked both Slovakian and numerous other countries around the world. Examples of these include the 'Nemzeti Nyomozó Iroda' Ransomware, the 'Služba Kriminální Policie a Vyšetřování' Ransomware, the 'FEDPOL BundesKriminalPolizei' Ransomware, the 'Police Judiciaire Fédérale' Ransomware, the 'Cyprus Police Emergency Response Unit' Virus and the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware. Like its relatives, the 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware claims to be authorized by a specific nation's police force – in this case, the Slovakian national police – but doesn't have any real legal standing for its attacks.

The 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware displays warning messages that claim that your computer has been locked for its use in illegal Internet activities, most typically, infringing on copyright. While the 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware eschews the usual accusations of participation in child pornography, the 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware still locks Windows and blocks you from using other applications while the 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware's pop-up is on display. While the 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware appears to give you an easy way out of this blockade by paying a Paysafecard or Ukash fine, SpywareRemove.com malware experts discourage doing so, since the 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware is an illegal program that doesn't need to be paid – and, most importantly, does not have the ability to respond to these ransom payments, regardless.

Policing Your Own PC Back to Safety

The 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware claims that additional penalties will be enacted if its ransom isn't paid within a strict time frame, but SpywareRemove.com malware researchers don't see any justification for these threats and recommend ignoring them. Traditional security strategies like booting your PC from a secure flash drive can disable the 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware and other malware. Meanwhile, anti-malware utilities can delete the 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware without any need to pay a fraudulent fine.

Based on the behavior of previous members of its family, SpywareRemove.com malware experts warn that the 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware's infection vectors are likely to include Trojans distributed through spam e-mail, as well as compromised websites hosting exploit kits. Browser security is, accordingly, central to blocking the 'Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky' Ransomware installations, and includes installing security patches regularly, disabling scripted content when it's not required and scanning file attachments before you open them.

Use SpyHunter to Detect and Remove PC Threats

If you are concerned that malware or PC threats similar to ‘Policajny Zbor Slovenskej Republiky’ Ransomware may have infected your computer, we recommend you start an in-depth system scan with SpyHunter. SpyHunter is an advanced malware protection and remediation application that offers subscribers a comprehensive method for protecting PCs from malware, in addition to providing one-on-one technical support service.

* See Free Trial offer below. EULA and Privacy/Cookie Policy.

Why can't I open any program including SpyHunter? You may have a malware file running in memory that kills any programs that you try to launch on your PC. Tip: Download SpyHunter from a clean computer, copy it to a USB thumb drive, DVD or CD, then install it on the infected PC and run SpyHunter's malware scanner.

Technical Details

Additional Information

The following messages's were detected:
# Message
1Pozor! Váš po?ita? je zablokovaný kvótli aspon jedného z clótvodov uvedených nižšie.
Boli ste pordenie «autorského práva a súvisiacich práv- (Video, Hudba, Software) a nedovolené použitie alebo distribúciu obsah chránený autorskými právami, a týrn pordil ?lánoki28 trestného zákonnika Slovenskej Republiky.
Akonáhle 72 hodin uplynuti, možnost zaplatit pokutu vyprší, a trestné konanie je za?até proti Vas automaticky po?as najbližšich 72 hodin!
Výéka pokuty je SKK 2000 atebo €100. Mátžete zaptatit pokutu pomocou PaySafeCard alebo Ukash. Ked platíte pokutu, bude váš po?ita? si odomknút v 1 až 72 hodin az peniaze budú vložené do štátneho.

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