Home Malware Programs Ransomware ‘Meldestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie’ Ransomware

‘Meldestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie’ Ransomware

Posted: August 7, 2013

Threat Metric

Ranking: 2,440
Threat Level: 1/10
Infected PCs: 21,592
First Seen: August 7, 2013
Last Seen: March 7, 2025
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Meldestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie Ransomware Screenshot 1The 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware is a fake Police Ransomware designed to deliver fake warning messages and ransom requests to victims within Austria. Although the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware insists that its attacks on your PC have been precipitated by illegal activities like viewing child pornography, the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware doesn't detect such crimes and is not a utility of Austria's police force. Its lack of credentials as a law enforcement program may be definitive, but the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware certainly has all of the qualifications to be considered malware, and SpywareRemove.com malware researchers encourage the prompt deletion of the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware with appropriate anti-malware software in all circumstances.

Why Your Personal Erotica Hobbies Can Be the Cloud of Confusion Concealing Ransomware

The 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware's attacks specialize in displaying modified browser pop-ups that can't be closed and, not-so-coincidentally, blocks your access to other programs, along with the rest of the Windows interface. This fake alert claims to have locked your computer as an action of a sub-division of Austria's police force, but the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware is not affiliated with the Austrian police and always will attack any computer that the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware manages to infect, regardless of that computer's Internet history. The 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware cannot detect child pornography, copyright infringement or other misuses of your PC and, contrary to the warning message in its pop-up, does not target illegally-used PCs specifically.

Because the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware's family is well-known for using drive-by-download attacks to install themselves through malicious website content, SpywareRemove.com malware experts recommend using browser security features, along with relevant security software, to block the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware's infection vectors. The same protections also should be adequate against the members of the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware's family that are specialized for other countries, such as the 'Nacionalni Preiskovalni Urad' Ransomware, the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus, the 'Latvijas Republikas Satversmes Aizsardzības Birojs' Ransomware, the 'Uprava Kriminalistične Policije' Ransomware, the 'The Guardians of the Peace of Ireland' Ransomware, the 'Polícia Judiciária de Portugal' Ransomware, the 'Agencia Federal de Investigación' Virus, the 'Dirección Nacional de Policía Técnica' Virus, the 'Ministerio del Interior de Uruguay' Ransomware and the 'Ravnateljstvo Policije' Ransomware.

The End for Which a Fake Police Trojan Invades Your Desktop

The 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware's pop-up alert demands on a quickly-paid (within forty-eight hours, according to its timer) ransom fee to restore your PC back to normal, although SpywareRemove.com malware researchers see no advantages to paying the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware's illegal fee. Even though the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware does effectively lock Windows with its attacks, there are multiple means of bypassing the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware's attacks safely such as booting your PC through an uninfected OS (such as a flash drive-loaded Windows backup).

You can delete the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware with anti-malware software without any legal penalties for doing so, and this action is recommended as soon as possible after you first see the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware's pop-ups and related attacks. The 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware infections often can include secondary PC threats without such obvious symptoms as the 'Medestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie' Ransomware's pop-ups, which also will need to be removed for the sake of your PC's security.

Use SpyHunter to Detect and Remove PC Threats

If you are concerned that malware or PC threats similar to ‘Meldestelle Cybercrime und Kinderpornografie’ Ransomware may have infected your computer, we recommend you start an in-depth system scan with SpyHunter. SpyHunter is an advanced malware protection and remediation application that offers subscribers a comprehensive method for protecting PCs from malware, in addition to providing one-on-one technical support service.

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Why can't I open any program including SpyHunter? You may have a malware file running in memory that kills any programs that you try to launch on your PC. Tip: Download SpyHunter from a clean computer, copy it to a USB thumb drive, DVD or CD, then install it on the infected PC and run SpyHunter's malware scanner.

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