Ministrstvo Za notranje zadeve Policija Virus Ransomware
Posted: November 19, 2012
Threat Metric
The following fields listed on the Threat Meter containing a specific value, are explained in detail below:
Threat Level: The threat level scale goes from 1 to 10 where 10 is the highest level of severity and 1 is the lowest level of severity. Each specific level is relative to the threat's consistent assessed behaviors collected from SpyHunter's risk assessment model.
Detection Count: The collective number of confirmed and suspected cases of a particular malware threat. The detection count is calculated from infected PCs retrieved from diagnostic and scan log reports generated by SpyHunter.
Volume Count: Similar to the detection count, the Volume Count is specifically based on the number of confirmed and suspected threats infecting systems on a daily basis. High volume counts usually represent a popular threat but may or may not have infected a large number of systems. High detection count threats could lay dormant and have a low volume count. Criteria for Volume Count is relative to a daily detection count.
Trend Path: The Trend Path, utilizing an up arrow, down arrow or equal symbol, represents the level of recent movement of a particular threat. Up arrows represent an increase, down arrows represent a decline and the equal symbol represent no change to a threat's recent movement.
% Impact (Last 7 Days): This demonstrates a 7-day period change in the frequency of a malware threat infecting PCs. The percentage impact correlates directly to the current Trend Path to determine a rise or decline in the percentage.
Threat Level: | 2/10 |
Infected PCs: | 93 |
First Seen: | November 19, 2012 |
OS(es) Affected: | Windows |
The Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus announces itself as a warning from the Slovenian police, but actually is a ransomware Trojan that attempts to extort money from its victims through fake accusations of criminal activity. The Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus's primary symptom is a pop-up alert that's accompanied by fake legal warnings and attempts on the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus's part to block most other programs on your PC. The Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus wants you to believe that paying its ransom fine is the easiest way to get your PC back to normal, but malware experts recommend that you preserve your cash and delete your Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus with an anti-malware program of good repute – just like you should do for any kind of advanced malware.
What's Really Inside the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus's Ministry
The Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus is a simple variant of pre-existing ransomware Trojans, with its major distinguishing feature being its usage of Slovenian for a choice of language. The Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus also may display the Slovenian flag, coat of arms or other traits that are representative of that country, although these symbols don't give the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus any type of legal authority.
The pop-up of a Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus claims that your machine has been blocked due to the online crimes that you've committed, even though malware researchers easily confirmed the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus's inability to detect such crimes. To lend extra authenticity to its pop-up, the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus also may display your IP address and your webcam feed. The former is used to detect your country while the latter is used to make it look like Slovenian police agents are monitoring your computer.
Oft-used by the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus and related ransomware Trojans, voucher-based payment systems like Ukash and Paysafecard are favored methods of extorting money from victims. You never should pay this fine, especially since malware analysts have noted that the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus belongs to a family of Trojans that tend to be unresponsive to any unlocking codes that you might try to acquire in this way.
The Lingering Taint of a Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus's Fraud on Your PC
The Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus also may be involved in other attacks besides its fake pop-up alert. malware experts have taken note of the most meaningful of these as elaborated on below:
- The Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus may block other programs on your computer in several ways. Programs that are intrinsic to Windows are affiliated with maintaining your computer's security are very likely to be blocked and, in some cases, may need to be reinstalled to repair components that the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus has deleted.
- Your web browser's settings also may be changed by the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus as the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus displays its pop-up warning. Allowing these changes to remain can endanger your ability to browse the web safely, and they should be removed by appropriate security programs.
- In some cases, you also may experience changes to your network settings as the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus attempts to contact a remote server and notify criminals of the infection.
Similar issues also can be expected from the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus's relatives such as the France Ministère de l'Intérieur Virus, the Luxembourg Police Virus, the Türk Polisi Virus, the Politia Romana Virus, the Slovenská Polícia Virus and the Polizei Control Department Virus. malware researchers recommend using Safe Mode or booting from a removable device as easily available means of blocking the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus. After the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus is blocked, the Ministrstvo Za Notranje Zadeve Policija Virus can be deleted with anti-malware software.
Use SpyHunter to Detect and Remove PC Threats
If you are concerned that malware or PC threats similar to Ministrstvo Za notranje zadeve Policija Virus Ransomware may have infected your computer, we recommend you start an in-depth system scan with SpyHunter. SpyHunter is an advanced malware protection and remediation application that offers subscribers a comprehensive method for protecting PCs from malware, in addition to providing one-on-one technical support service.
* See Free Trial offer below. EULA and Privacy/Cookie Policy.
Why can't I open any program including SpyHunter? You may have a malware file running in memory that kills any programs that you try to launch on your PC. Tip: Download SpyHunter from a clean computer, copy it to a USB thumb drive, DVD or CD, then install it on the infected PC and run SpyHunter's malware scanner.
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# | Message |
1 | Pozornost! Vaš osebni ra?unalnik blokiran zaradi vsaj enega od razlogov, ki so navedene spodaj. So bili kršijo “Avtorke pravice in sorodnih pravi pravo” (Video, glasba, Software) in nezakonito uporabo ali distribuirajo avtorko zaš?itenih vsebin, tako krši ?len 128 kazenskega zakonika Republike Slovenije. |
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