Home Malware Programs Adware Adware.Notificatoin


Posted: June 9, 2014

Threat Metric

Ranking: 7,180
Threat Level: 2/10
Infected PCs: 31,932
First Seen: June 9, 2014
Last Seen: October 13, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Notificatoin may be a misspelling of a common word, but it is also a potentially unwanted program and adware threat that may be loaded through installing various freeware programs or bundled software. When loaded, Notificatoin may change the setting within your web browser to redirect your default home page to an unwanted site. Additionally, other site redirects may occur from the Notificatoin program being installed. Even though Notificatoin is not a computer virus or malware, it can be an annoyance to some and the removal of it is warranted. Removing or uninstalling Notificatoin may be done through the Windows control panel in some cases, as well as through using an antimalware application.

Technical Details

File System Modifications

Tutorials: If you wish to learn how to remove malware components manually, you can read the tutorials on how to find malware, kill unwanted processes, remove malicious DLLs and delete other harmful files. Always be sure to back up your PC before making any changes.

The following files were created in the system:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Enhance Net Extension\bho32.dll File name: bho32.dll
Size: 826.36 KB (826368 bytes)
MD5: d4cbb1849ea8893204c67252cf722efe
Detection count: 7,354
File type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Enhance Net Extension\bho32.dll
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: March 31, 2021
%PROGRAMFILES%\Notificatoin\1.0.0\KangoBHO.dll File name: KangoBHO.dll
Size: 251.39 KB (251392 bytes)
MD5: b718d095f706c2440601973491d9e1b9
Detection count: 3,576
File type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\Notificatoin\1.0.0
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: November 28, 2019
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notificatoin\1.0.0\KangoBHO64.dll File name: KangoBHO64.dll
Size: 301.05 KB (301056 bytes)
MD5: d9c8e9bdcd3d329cdb625a34f919b17c
Detection count: 3,143
File type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Notificatoin\1.0.0\KangoBHO64.dll
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: March 4, 2022
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notificatoin\1.0.0\UpdateBHO.dll File name: UpdateBHO.dll
Size: 250.88 KB (250880 bytes)
MD5: 665a72126425beb0f9c35e12d355399e
Detection count: 3,061
File type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Notificatoin\1.0.0\UpdateBHO.dll
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: January 16, 2023
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notificatoin\1.0.0\UpdateBHO64.dll File name: UpdateBHO64.dll
Size: 300.54 KB (300544 bytes)
MD5: 6f9f0694d1eb4f084ac3521572e67ac5
Detection count: 2,380
File type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Notificatoin\1.0.0\UpdateBHO64.dll
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: January 16, 2023
%APPDATA%\Notificatoin\notificatoin.exe File name: notificatoin.exe
Size: 5.54 MB (5544960 bytes)
MD5: 122aa16dc6318b5e9c50ebcd4987f49d
Detection count: 398
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %APPDATA%\Notificatoin
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: November 26, 2019
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notificatoin\1.0.0\UpdateEngine.exe File name: UpdateEngine.exe
Size: 275.96 KB (275968 bytes)
MD5: c923bdb379d1f7a4896f3eddd0b67ab5
Detection count: 333
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Notificatoin\1.0.0\UpdateEngine.exe
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: January 16, 2023
%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Notificatoin\1.0.0\KangoEngine.exe File name: KangoEngine.exe
Size: 276.48 KB (276480 bytes)
MD5: 359395b7a8754dd7cb465616d9383677
Detection count: 276
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Notificatoin\1.0.0
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: November 28, 2019
C:\Program Files\Notificatoin\1.0.0\KangoEngine.exe File name: KangoEngine.exe
Size: 276.48 KB (276480 bytes)
MD5: e1ccc2508f2087a32e8c333603879030
Detection count: 101
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: C:\Program Files\Notificatoin\1.0.0\KangoEngine.exe
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: December 13, 2021
%APPDATA%\Notificatoin\notificatoin.exe File name: notificatoin.exe
Size: 5.59 MB (5599232 bytes)
MD5: 295a63638b2b61e131671036c06e9b39
Detection count: 83
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %APPDATA%\Notificatoin
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: March 25, 2016
%PROGRAMFILES%\Notificatoin\1.0.0\UpdateBHO.dll File name: UpdateBHO.dll
Size: 550.25 KB (550255 bytes)
MD5: cd7d420997b44f7ae4c7b5a699da1ab1
Detection count: 76
File type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\Notificatoin\1.0.0
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: June 9, 2014
%PROGRAMFILES%\Notificatoin\1.0.0\UpdateBHO.dll File name: UpdateBHO.dll
Size: 250.88 KB (250880 bytes)
MD5: 86b3cd85e545c5e95abdbfad2039a156
Detection count: 54
File type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\Notificatoin\1.0.0
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: June 9, 2014
%PROGRAMFILES%\Notificatoin\1.0.0\KangoEngine.exe File name: KangoEngine.exe
Size: 275.96 KB (275968 bytes)
MD5: f30f3ffc214f8ac19797dbc2582fb642
Detection count: 5
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\Notificatoin\1.0.0
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: June 9, 2014
%PROGRAMFILES%\Notificatoin\1.0.0\KangoBHO.dll File name: KangoBHO.dll
Size: 250.88 KB (250880 bytes)
MD5: 7d76af824124a4edb4a73fe9c8ba7312
Detection count: 1
File type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\Notificatoin\1.0.0
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: June 9, 2014

Registry Modifications

The following newly produced Registry Values are:

Regexp file mask%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\DRM\Server\notificatoin_1.0.0.crxHKEY..\..\..\..{RegistryKeys}Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions\{A88DE8D3-9C38-4F0D-8981-A4C17F7677A1}Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions\{F051F6BF-82D9-49A7-9E6C-BA63CDB487D2}SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions\{A88DE8D3-9C38-4F0D-8981-A4C17F7677A1}SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions\{F051F6BF-82D9-49A7-9E6C-BA63CDB487D2}SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\{A88DE8D3-9C38-4F0D-8981-A4C17F7677A1}SOFTWARE\{A88DE8D3-9C38-4F0D-8981-A4C17F7677A1}HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\[APPLICATION]\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall..{Uninstaller}{A88DE8D3-9C38-4F0D-8981-A4C17F7677A1}

Additional Information

The following directories were created: