Home Malware Programs Adware Adware.FindLyrics


Posted: May 17, 2013

Threat Metric

Ranking: 8,492
Threat Level: 2/10
Infected PCs: 75,509
First Seen: May 17, 2013
Last Seen: October 7, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows


Adware.Shopper.341 [DrWeb]WS.Reputation.1 [Symantec]Generic5.ZEK [AVG]ApplicUnwnt [Comodo]Generic5.ZFN [AVG]Adware.Shopper.337 [DrWeb]

Technical Details

File System Modifications

Tutorials: If you wish to learn how to remove malware components manually, you can read the tutorials on how to find malware, kill unwanted processes, remove malicious DLLs and delete other harmful files. Always be sure to back up your PC before making any changes.

The following files were created in the system:

%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\FindLyrics.dll File name: FindLyrics.dll
Size: 109.56 KB (109568 bytes)
MD5: 9d003d5a3c47bd13053ee81d0ad9ab42
Detection count: 8,015
File type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: February 13, 2020
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 117.76 KB (117760 bytes)
MD5: f742ffc1c9e65cef6c6fada251f116ff
Detection count: 6,324
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 117.76 KB (117760 bytes)
MD5: 8047d435cd7ddd44fc4c2f505320f9b3
Detection count: 6,223
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: May 4, 2019
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 117.76 KB (117760 bytes)
MD5: bfc69a43d14b3b48aab221b4d2134bd3
Detection count: 1,682
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: June 17, 2013
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 117.76 KB (117760 bytes)
MD5: 8192322cb91790e1d0ca1fc534522568
Detection count: 1,677
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: May 17, 2013
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\FindLyrics.dll File name: FindLyrics.dll
Size: 127.48 KB (127488 bytes)
MD5: e3f4b704d115a58a734cfcc4eb6dedb7
Detection count: 1,251
File type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: August 4, 2018
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\FindLyrics.dll File name: FindLyrics.dll
Size: 127.48 KB (127488 bytes)
MD5: c5ed1fe8f53860818e87d18339c75eee
Detection count: 874
File type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: May 17, 2013
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 117.76 KB (117760 bytes)
MD5: a32aba022cbc3842e0990257003ed0ec
Detection count: 829
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: May 17, 2013
%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 117.76 KB (117760 bytes)
MD5: 0799178c5da0f03238f1349ee58ffb75
Detection count: 314
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: June 17, 2013
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 117.76 KB (117760 bytes)
MD5: 6be934a6a7b0b4dfe66205c425d0afc6
Detection count: 311
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: June 17, 2013
%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 117.76 KB (117760 bytes)
MD5: e5b991de3fbf798b8123e4c92d69af24
Detection count: 143
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: August 24, 2017
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 115.2 KB (115200 bytes)
MD5: 3a0b150ec73cb6a06fa71ff511a04c4e
Detection count: 129
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: March 24, 2020
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\FindLyrics.dll File name: FindLyrics.dll
Size: 109.56 KB (109568 bytes)
MD5: bf99f4535ed02a993a36f9db8360f6c9
Detection count: 82
File type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: August 24, 2017
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\is701137889\FindLyrics.exe File name: FindLyrics.exe
Size: 280.19 KB (280192 bytes)
MD5: e0f2af0f58fa9e101c8d78b8b48b40e8
Detection count: 52
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\is701137889\FindLyrics.exe
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: July 25, 2022
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\Michael Finn\Local Settings\Temp\is1275519350\FindLyrics.exe File name: FindLyrics.exe
Size: 264.93 KB (264937 bytes)
MD5: dced59e2445c62eaebb418270afc1c7b
Detection count: 40
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\Michael Finn\Local Settings\Temp\is1275519350\FindLyrics.exe
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: June 7, 2022
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 115.2 KB (115200 bytes)
MD5: f8ba73427a7220e7a28ed2216683037c
Detection count: 14
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: August 24, 2017
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\FindLyrics.dll File name: FindLyrics.dll
Size: 109.56 KB (109568 bytes)
MD5: 15fb1b74f9fb749775dbc7892467bd1e
Detection count: 12
File type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: August 24, 2017
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 154.11 KB (154112 bytes)
MD5: d7202d2dd45a53bd86de6187f2613a79
Detection count: 9
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: August 24, 2017
%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 118.27 KB (118272 bytes)
MD5: a2f7b4df911b72c26f5cb786388eea7e
Detection count: 9
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: August 24, 2017
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 245.07 KB (245072 bytes)
MD5: c6cde681a3945938ca9c00818a6d21e2
Detection count: 5
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: August 24, 2017
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 115.2 KB (115200 bytes)
MD5: ae97a0c083fa420f4172784eaee93208
Detection count: 5
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: August 24, 2017
%PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 195.58 KB (195584 bytes)
MD5: e30faab6239dc5b764b1e848664116ed
Detection count: 5
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: August 24, 2017
%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\FindLyrics\flcsur.exe File name: flcsur.exe
Size: 117.76 KB (117760 bytes)
MD5: 6f94c444fa1e6aed465b550f538b9687
Detection count: 5
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\FindLyrics
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: August 24, 2017

More files

Registry Modifications

The following newly produced Registry Values are:

CLSID{44C9CC91-6A4A-4579-B4B5-899ECDC18DC6}{5C927B89-5D80-4017-889F-93294895BC5F}{BA5B874B-C72A-4529-B2CF-D7485602D541}HKEY..\..\..\..{RegistryKeys}Software\AppDataLow\Software\findlyricsSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\FindLyrics UpdateSoftware\Mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\findlyrics@findlyrics.coSOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID\{44C9CC91-6A4A-4579-B4B5-899ECDC18DC6}SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\Interface\{5C927B89-5D80-4017-889F-93294895BC5F}SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\TypeLib\{BA5B874B-C72A-4529-B2CF-D7485602D541}SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\flcsur_RASAPI32SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\flcsur_RASMANCSSOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{44C9CC91-6A4A-4579-B4B5-899ECDC18DC6}HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\[APPLICATION]\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall..{Uninstaller}findlyrics@findlyrics.co

Additional Information

The following directories were created:
The following URL's were detected: