Home Malware Programs Adware Adware.CommAd.a


Posted: March 1, 2011

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 2/10
Infected PCs: 8
First Seen: July 24, 2009
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Adware.CommAd.a is, true to its name, adware that spies on the browsing habits of users to create advertising based on the gathered information. Some versions of Adware.CommAd.a are also able to install other malware without your permission and may use worm-based propagation tactics. A flurry of pop-up advertising are the primary symptom of this adware's infection, and this combination of irritant and genuine security threat makes removing Adware.CommAd.a a sensible course of action whenever the adware happens to be found.

Adware.CommAd.a Does an Advertisement Campaign that Just will not Go Away

Some forms of the Adware.CommAd.a infection can act as worms by spreading to new systems through local networks. This usually requires the user to interact with an infected file shared via network, but there will rarely be any plain signs of infection. Since Adware.CommAd.a is in part spyware in functionality, Adware.CommAd.a tries to remain undetected to perform its malicious deeds. Besides network propagation, Adware.CommAd.a may also spread by being bundled secretly with other programs.
Adware.CommAd.a variants will often attain the desired level of stealth by running in the background through misuse of the registry. Entries added to the registry on installation let Adware.CommAd.a run with Windows itself. Some Adware.CommAd.a infections may also modify other system files without permission.
The two major symptoms characteristic of Adware.CommAd.a infection are pop-up advertising and a slowdown of your overall system. The pop-ups may require the browser to be running to appear, but are unrelated to any browser content.
Although different subspecies of Adware.CommAd.a's have been around since for many years, new versions can occur more even recently. To have the best chance of avoiding Adware.CommAd.a infection and combating Adware.CommAd.a when it does get on your machine, keep all your anti-malware programs updated with regards to their malware definitions.

Why an Adware.CommAd.a Advertising Isn't Always Something to Ignore

Adware.CommAd.a's covert installation is one problem, but even its advertising-related activities are based on malicious behavior. The Adware.CommAd.a infection selects advertising to display based in part on the web browsing activities of the user, which are monitored silently. This monitoring may be backed up by more harmful spyware behavior, such as keylogging.
Some versions of Adware.CommAd.a have been noted to act like trojans, and can install netmon (a tool used by hackers to monitor traffic on networks). This is, like everything else Adware.CommAd.a does, accomplished without your permission.
Since the extent of the violation of your privacy is significant, you should try to delete Adware.CommAd.a instead of treating it as an ignorable nuisance. This adware is far worse than any television or YouTube commercial!


Infostealer [Symantec]Packed.Win32.NSAnti.e [Sunbelt]CommAd [Sophos]potentially unwanted program Generic PUP [McAfee]not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.CommAd.a [Kaspersky]Trojan-Spy.Win32.Agent.nz [Ikarus]Adware/CommAd [Fortinet]Adware.CommAd [eWido]Suspicious File [eSafe]Trojan.Proxy.798 [DrWeb]Trojan.Downloader.VB-104 [ClamAV]AdWare.CommAd.a (Not a Virus) [CAT-QuickHeal]Adware.Commad.A [BitDefender]Adware Generic.JVV [AVG]Win32:Spyware-gen [Avast]
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Technical Details

File System Modifications

Tutorials: If you wish to learn how to remove malware components manually, you can read the tutorials on how to find malware, kill unwanted processes, remove malicious DLLs and delete other harmful files. Always be sure to back up your PC before making any changes.

The following files were created in the system:

command.exe File name: command.exe
Size: 289.28 KB (289280 bytes)
MD5: d6e997003948ed6226c8b5d2ff159ebe
Detection count: 7
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: December 11, 2009