Home Internet Security Zero-Day and Flash Flaws in Internet Explorer 10 Patched By Microsoft

Zero-Day and Flash Flaws in Internet Explorer 10 Patched By Microsoft

Posted: September 22, 2012

ie10 flaws zero day patched microsoftMicrosoft has been on the move lately to provide fixes for what could have been one of the biggest zero-day flash flaw vulnerabilities within the latest versions of Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer 10, however, was left out of the exploitation ruckus but has now been recognized for having a similar vulnerability, which Microsoft has now addressed.

A previous security flaw within Internet Explorer versions 6, 7,8 and IE9 was on our radar screen from the time that no viable patch was available to the time that Microsoft exclusively set forth efforts to provide a fix via their Fix It tool. Privately disclosed vulnerabilities within Internet Explorer 10 are being taken care of in this latest flaw-fix that Microsoft has released.

Researchers from Symantec, among somewhat of a joint effort by security experts to find and resolve security issues, have exposed the hacker group Elderwood's activities. These actions involve the Elderwood group exploiting the CVE-2012-1535 security vulnerability, a fix for an Adobe Flash Player SWF file content vulnerability posted August 31, 2012.

This time a vulnerability within Internet Explorer 10 is multifaceted where Microsoft felt the need to address both IE10 and Adobe Flash's remote code execution vulnerability. In order to close any holes that could arise, Microsoft has taken care of a total of four privately disclosed vulnerabilities.

In the past, which you may agree with, Microsoft did not demonstrate such an aggressive and timely effort to provide fixes for vulnerabilities especially those reaching across the isle effecting other applications such as Adobe Flash Player.

Andrew Storms, director of security operations for nCircle, commented for the Help Net Security blog disclosing: "Microsoft's ability to go from advisory to patch release so quickly demonstrates their commitment to providing customers with a secure computing environment. Earlier this year, Microsoft stated that they had enough resources to deliver an IE patch every month if necessary. Those additional resources certainly helped them deliver this patch in record time."

Automatic updates are now more important than ever in knowing how Microsoft has taken an initiative to provide timely security fixes with software updates. It is highly advisable that PC users apply the latest updates to their software immediately to prevent future issues from newly discovered vulnerabilities.

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