Home Internet Security Microsoft Steps In to Provide 'Fixit' Tool to Fix Zero-Day Internet Explorer Vulnerability

Microsoft Steps In to Provide 'Fixit' Tool to Fix Zero-Day Internet Explorer Vulnerability

Posted: September 19, 2012

microsoft fix it tool ie exploit solutionAn Internet Explorer bug that has allowed exploitation by hackers by installation of malicious hijacking software has a new updated fix tool called Fixit planned for release by Microsoft.

Microsoft recently released a security advisory with several steps that PC users may take to temporarily fix a potentially dangerous vulnerability found within the latest versions of Internet Explorer. As a follow-up to the temporary fix recommendations, Microsoft has revealed that they will ship 'Fixit', which is a tool specifically designed to prevent hackers from exploiting a widely professed vulnerability within Internet Explorer.

Director Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing group, Yunsun Wee, commented: "While we have only seen a few attempts to exploit the issue, impacting an extremely limited number of people, we are taking this proactive step to help ensure Internet Explorer customers are protected and able to safely browse online."

Although the vulnerability in question within recent versions of Internet explorer, including IE6, IE7, IE8 and IE9, is confined within a limited number of people, Microsoft wants to give people the opportunity to take proactive steps to ensure IE users are protected.

The Fixit tool will be an easy-to-use and one-click solution to performing many of the actions previously suggested in Microsoft's Security Advisory 2757760. The Security Advisory only listed manual steps for computer users to take in preventing or temporarily solving the IE Vulnerability issue. The Fixit tool is more of an automated solution, which is still said to be temporary but very effective.

So far, no one has stepped in to provide a definitive solution for the recent Internet Explorer vulnerability exploiting Java, ActiveX Controls and Active Scripting. Even Oracle, the company responsible for providing Java updates and patches, has yet to release any updates to help resolve the IE exploitation. In the past Microsoft has stepped in to provide solutions to new and emerging threats and this time is no different. Let this be a testament to how taking proactive steps to prevent computer issues can be a great benefit.

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