Home Hackers U.S. Urged To Curb Hackers as Cyber Attacks Increase

U.S. Urged To Curb Hackers as Cyber Attacks Increase

Posted: February 25, 2010

The US Government is under fire to beef up security against cyber attacks.

Industry experts made it apparent that the US Government needs to increase cyber security efforts to the Senate Commerce, Science Committee and Transportation Committee after a number of analysts gathered to inform the Government that more regulation is vital to face cyber threats. The committee wants to create legislation which could enable Governments and businesses to work together to protect critical computer systems. So far it has been met with opposition from those who claim regulation will burden the industry.

A security specialist survey has revealed that in the last 12 months, 75 percent of businesses worldwide have experienced a "cyber-attack". Thats an astonishing discovery especially when the majority of worldwide business will face these issues.

The survey, one of the biggest of its kind, was conducted in January among 2100 enterprise chief information officers and IT managers from 27 countries. The survey also reveals that 42 percent of businesses now rate cyber crime as the greatest threat to their well-being, more than natural disaster, terrorism and traditional crime combined. The average cost associated with an attack is put at $2 million.

Every single company surveyed had experienced some form of cyber loss in the previous 12 months, ranging from a full-blown attack to the loss of important data. The report notes that many enterprises are embarking on new initiatives that make providing security more difficult, such as outsourcing of storage or software services.

Online security has been one of the year's hot topics so far, ever since the internet search giant Google fell victim to what it claimed was a co-ordinated cyber-attack from China last month.


  • jaydee says:

    The govt is out of control and they must get a handle on all the loose cannons......They must squash websites like infowar.com, Wikileaks, Cryptome.org etc.... Because of sites like these the H1N1/ UN / WHO debacle was exposed, the errors in the UN IPCC reports and the leaked "Climategate" emails forced mainsteam media to cover more than the teensie weensy tiny bit of truth they are accustomed too. The crooks know that the people will go crazy if enough of them find out the truth of the financial rape they have recently undergone with frauds like the banker bailout, and the taxes that are about to rain down on them form the environmental religionists (Audi super bowl commercial).....They cant ban free speech outright, so they will use "cyber terrorism as a front and false flag it, just like they did with the patriot act, it was supposedly being used against terrorism but instead most of the time it's used to spy on, harass and arrest American citizens.......Our country will end up having will end in China like censorship............ just give it time.....Conspiracy theory? unfortunately the time is soon coming when there won't be any question that America is turning into a techno police state..........................Marxism is the opiate of the ass's

  • j r says:

    Instead of 'curbing' hackers I vote for publicly beating them to death. I bet that would reduce the amount of hacking.

  • Kimberly Acree says:

    It has already been reported to the FCC and is under investigation; however I still have people haking into my computer the last Webroot AntiVirus Scan that I preformed found: atwoala cookie, atlas dmt cookie, doubleclick cookie, questionmarket cookie. I believe that this has been done thru a cell phone or syncing/tethering through my computer by my x-husband, and it has gone on for at least 6 months. Please Advise

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