Home Malware Programs Ransomware Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware

Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware

Posted: March 19, 2013

Threat Metric

Ranking: 16,301
Threat Level: 2/10
Infected PCs: 1,152
First Seen: March 19, 2013
Last Seen: January 20, 2025
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware is one of the newest variants of a Police Ransomware Trojan to strike Europe, with the Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware's country of preferential victimization being Croatia. Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware's fake police pop-ups include the same copy-pasted legal texts that have been seen on many of its relatives, albeit translated (most likely via an automated tool) into Croatian. You should ignore the emblem of the Croatian police and other aesthetic quirks that try to convince you to pay the Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware's legal fine, which is automatically displayed for both innocents and criminals alike. Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware should be removed from your PC right away and, in most situations, with a strong anti-malware product.

Why Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware's 'Police' Are Gazing at Your PC Intently

Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware uses basic Croatian government-related symbolism, copied legal texts and basic information about your PC (such as your IP address) as details to make its fake legal pop-up look like a real alert from the actual Policija. The pop-up that Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware displays will block your ability to access any other applications, or even your desktop, and will launch every time you restart Windows.

However, SpywareRemove.com malware researchers easily confirmed that Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware's legal alerts are inaccurate and unaffiliated with Croatia's real police force. Although Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware accuses you of a variety of embarrassing crimes, there's no need to spend money on Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware's fake fine to remove Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware or its pop-up from your PC.

The Cheap Way Out of Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware's Ransom Attack

While, much like Snidely Whiplash tying a damsel to the tracks, Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware tries to hold your PC hostage until you pay up, SpywareRemove.com malware experts have outlined consistent strategies for removing Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware and related Police Trojans without paying their ransoms. Disabling Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware and its pop-up should be your first defense, and usually can be achieved through booting in Safe Mode or, at least, by booting your OS via a peripheral drive (any USB thumb drive, DVD, etc).

When you have access to all the programs that Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware was blocking, a disabled Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware should be removable easily. Anti-malware applications should be usable for deleting Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware completely with any other malware that might be related to its presence.

Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware belongs to a vast family of Police Ransomware Trojans. Some other members (many of which also target Europe) include 'Votre ordinateur est bloqué' Belgium Ransomware, Cybercrime Investigation Department Virus, the Gema 'Access to your computer was denied' Virus, POLITIE Belgique Police Fédérale virus, the International Police Association (I.P.A.) Virus, Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet Ransomware and the West Yorkshire Ransomware.

Use SpyHunter to Detect and Remove PC Threats

If you are concerned that malware or PC threats similar to Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti Ransomware may have infected your computer, we recommend you start an in-depth system scan with SpyHunter. SpyHunter is an advanced malware protection and remediation application that offers subscribers a comprehensive method for protecting PCs from malware, in addition to providing one-on-one technical support service.

* See Free Trial offer below. EULA and Privacy/Cookie Policy.

Why can't I open any program including SpyHunter? You may have a malware file running in memory that kills any programs that you try to launch on your PC. Tip: Download SpyHunter from a clean computer, copy it to a USB thumb drive, DVD or CD, then install it on the infected PC and run SpyHunter's malware scanner.

Technical Details

Additional Information

The following URL's were detected:
The following messages's were detected:
# Message
1Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske
Ured Za Posebne Poslove Sigurnosti
Zapovjedništvo specijalne policije
PAŽNJA! Vaš kompjuter je blokiran zbog barem jednoga od razloga navedenog u nastavku.
Tu su kršenja «autorskom pravu i srodnim pravima u podru?ju prava« (video, glazba, softver) i protuzakonito korištenje ili distribuiranje sadržaja zašti?enih autorskim pravima, ?ime se krši ?lanak 128. Krivi?nog Zakona Republike Hrvatske.
?lanak 128. Krivi?nog Zakona predvi?a nov?ane kazne od 200 do 500 minimalnih mjese?nih pla?a ili oduzimanjem slobode od 2 do 8 godina.
Gledanje ili distribuiranje pornografskog sadržaja je zabranjeno (Dje?ja pornografija/Zoofilija i tako sli?no). Tako se krši ?lanak 202 Krivi?nog Zakona Republike Hrvatske.
?lanak 202. Krivi?nog Zakona predvi?a oduzimanje slobode od 4 do 12 godina.
Ilegalni pristup kompjuterskih podataka je pokrenut sa kompjutera ili ste pokrenuli…
?lanak 208. Krivi?nog Zakona predvi?a nov?anu kaznu do HRK 100.000 ili oduzimanjem slobode od 4 do 9 godina.
Ilegalni pristup je pokrenut sa kompjutera bez vašeg znanja ili pristanka, vas kompjuter može biti zaražen zlonamjeran softverom, tako da se krši Zakon o nemarnom korištenju osobnog kompjutera.
?lanak 210. Krivi?nog zakona predvi?a nov?ane kazne od HRK 2.000 do HRK 8.000.
Spam ili drugo širenje ilegalne reklame bilo je u?injeno sa vašeg kompjutera sa ciljem dobitka ili bez vašeg znanja, vaš kompjuter može biti zaražen štetnim programima.
?lanak 212. Krivi?nog Zakona predvi?a nov?anu kaznu do HRK 250.000 i oduzimanje slobode do 6 godina. U slu?aju da je ova aktivnost izvršena bez vašeg znanja, što potpada pod spomenutom ?lankom 210. Krivi?nog Zakona Republike Hrvatske.
Vaša osobnost i adresa trenutno identificirani, kažnjeni postupak ?e se pokrenuti protiv vas od jedan ili više navedenih gore ?lanaka u narednih 72 sati.
Temeljem izmjena i dopuna Krivi?nog Zakona Republike Hrvatske od 04. velja?e 2013 je kršenje zakona (ako se ne ponovi- prvi put) može se smatrati uvjetno u slu?aju ako se plati nov?ana kazna državi.
Kazne mogu biti pla?eni u roku od 72 sati nakon povrede. ?im 72 sati protekne, mogu?nost platiti kaznu istekne, a kazneni postupak protiv vas automatski se pokre?e u narednih 72 sati.

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