Home Rogue Websites Pcspeedplus.com/scan


Posted: May 16, 2013

Pcspeedplus.com Screenshot 1Pcspeedplus.com/scan is a scamware-promoting site that's associated with XP Micro Antivirus Online Scan and PC Speed Maximizer, both of which will generate fake system scans to encourage you (in the former case) to install scamware or (in the latter case) spend money on PC Speed Maximizer's registration process. You should avoid any possible contact with Pcspeedplus.com/scan and always scan your computer with a real anti-malware program after loading Pcspeedplus.com/scan unintentionally. Fake system cleaners linked to Pcspeedplus.com/scan aren't able to engage in high-level attacks against your computer, but will provide erroneous system information, and they may mislead you into trying to delete harmless programs or files.

Why Adding Pcspeedplus.com/scan's Software to Your Computer Isn't a Big Plus for Its Performance

Pcspeedplus.com/scan is a domain that has long-since been confirmed of promoting rogue system cleaners that aren't capable of helping your computer, only hindering it. Visits to Pcspeedplus.com/scan usually provoke fraudulent system scans and pop-up warnings that alert you to the supposed presence of high-level threats (such as spyware or a file-infecting virus), even though Pcspeedplus.com/scan does not scan your computer and can't detect PC threats of any type. SpywareRemove.com malware experts warn that contact with Pcspeedplus.com/scan can be forced by browser hijacker infections, but also may occur through advertising networks, spam links and some other similarly-unsafe sources.

Pcspeedplus.com/scan's real job, rather than scanning your computer, is to provoke you into installing PC Speed Maximizer. While doing so, Pcspeedplus.com/scan also may launch XP Micro Antivirus Online Scan, another fake system scanner that runs from your browser, instead of being installed onto your computer. A separate article elaborates on PC Speed Maximizer's fraudulent capabilities. Of course, SpywareRemove.com malware research team never encourages the purchase of PC Speed Maximizer – or, in fact, any contact with sites linked to it, such as Pcspeedplus.com/scan and speedupyourpc.com.

Subtracting Pcspeedplus.com/scan's Scamware from Your Hard Drive

Visits to Pcspeedplus.com/scan that result in infections like PC Speed Maximizer can be resolved through the use of a good anti-malware program. However, since Pcspeedplus.com/scan, PC Speed Maximizer and related PC threats are part of a still-updated and in-development attack campaign, SpywareRemove.com malware researchers do suggest updating any security software before you try to scan your PC and remove Pcspeedplus.com/scan's fake Registry cleaner.

Malicious sites like Pcspeedplus.com/scan often use browser exploits, as well as virtual system scans, to infect vulnerable computers or lure victims into infecting their own computers. Blocking malicious content from Pcspeedplus.com/scan can be managed through some of your browser's settings, such as those relating to JavaScript, Java and Flash. You also may wish to invest in anti-malware products that automatically block any web-based PC threats like Pcspeedplus.com/scan.

Pcspeedplus.com Screenshot 2

Technical Details

Additional Information

The following messages's were detected:
# Message
1'Critical Security Warning!
Your PC was infected with self-replicating virus after Spyware attack. XP Micro Antivirus will perform a free scan of your PC to find all System Threats.'

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