100ksearches.com is a fake search engine website and a browser hijacker that railroads you into using the aforementioned site, whether you want to use 100ksearches.com or not. Like many other fake search websites that SpywareRemove.com malware researchers have examined, 100ksearches.com offers irrelevant, affiliate-based results and may also point towards outright malicious websites. 100ksearches.com hijackers may trigger at any time, but are especially noted for going off when you attempt to use another search engine. Because 100ksearches.com is almost always installed by dropper Trojans that are capable of additional hostilities, you should be ready to use a good anti-malware program to remove 100ksearches.com and any other PC threats that might have along for the ride.
Reasons to Stay Away from 100ksearches.com and Its Contaminated Search Results
100ksearches.com is just one of many browser hijackers and fake search engine websites that force traffic to themselves, only to expose you to results that offer affiliate revenues or spread malicious software. Standard 100ksearches.com results include suspicious online pharmacies and even pornographic websites, regardless of what search terms are used. A few other hijackers that operate by similar methods include Findxplorer, Resulturl, ShopNav and Qooqlle.com.
Although many 100ksearches.com results may be harmless time-wasters that don't offer information that's relevant to your search, others may be more dangerous. In addition to drumming up affiliate and advertisement-based profits, fake search engines like 100ksearches.com are also used to propagating malicious software, including Trojans and browser hijackers. Because these websites may use script-based exploits that launch themselves automatically, you should keep away from both 100ksearches.com and its search results to protect your PC.
A Look at 100ksearches.com's Overall Traffic-Driving Strategy
Unlike a real search engine, 100ksearches.com doesn't use natural traffic to acquire the visitors and hits that 100ksearches.com craves. Instead, 100ksearches.com uses a browser hijacker, referenced by the same name as the website itself, to force you to visit 100ksearches.com. Hijacks can occur at any time, but with a marked preference for striking when you're using another search engine. Browser hijacks are also capable of displaying fake error screens, blocking websites, creating pop-ups or adding links to unrelated content.
In most cases, a 100ksearches.com hijacker is installed by some form of Trojan, such as Rootkit.Win32.ZAccess.c, Trojan-Spy.Win32.Zbot.bfur, Backdoor.Win32.IRCBot.sgu or Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Delf.br. Since these Trojans can be configured to drop a variety of PC threats besides 100ksearches.com hijackers, any sign of a related infection should be responded to with the use of a robust and complete system scan.
While using appropriate software to scan for 100ksearches.com and any related Trojans, SpywareRemove.com malware analysts recommend using Safe Mode and keeping all web browsers closed. These simple anti-malware tactics may prevent 100ksearches.com from launching and hence impeding your attempts to delete 100ksearches.com files and other system changes..
Technical Details
File System Modifications
File name: %Windows%\system32\DRIVERS\mrxsmb.sysFile type: System file
Mime Type: unknown/sys
File name: %Windows%\system32\consrv.dllFile type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
Registry Modifications
HKEY..\..\..\..{Subkeys}SubSystems: Windows = basesrv,1 winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3 consrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2 sxssrv,4
That $100 they ask for screen unlcok (i took it off by myself) but for decrypted files they charged me $300 as punishment for screen unlcok and for all i paid $300. After decrypting AES files nothing delete on my server. I think you buddy not right about this or you tried to delete that by yourself and as a result it damages your files. I'm not happy about this too but $300 save my files and business as well.Nope No codes hereNope No codes here.