Home Internet Security Avoid Malware Version of Adobe’s Flash Player (Adobe_flash.exe)

Avoid Malware Version of Adobe’s Flash Player (Adobe_flash.exe)

Posted: October 25, 2008

Beware of fake Adobe Flash Updates in the form of the executable file 'adobe_flash.exe'. Hackers and trojan makers have been using fake Adobe Flash Update alerts that claim to update a user's Adobe Flash Player only to install a trojan on their computer. In order to view a video from a website, many computer users have fallen under the online scam when prompted to update their flash player using the file 'adobe_flash.exe.' Computer users feel confident to download "adobe_flash.exe" because the file name mentions "adobe," but what they don't realize is that they're giving hackers or trojan makers access to their computer.

How did I end up downloading a fake Adobe Flash Player?

Many times computer users are very anxious to view a video online and sometimes will do whatever it takes to open and play the video even if it means doing something as simple and petty as updating your Adobe Flash Player. Hackers know this human behavior and they are taking advantage of this very situation to the fullest nowadays. With spam messages like 'CNN.com Daily Top 10' and 'msnbc.com - BREAKING NEWS,' users are being spoofed into clicking on full story links found within the text or images which, at first glance, appear to be a legitimate message, yet are only links that point to fake video codecs that prompts the user to download a file named 'adobe_flash.exe.' You must remember that malicious links can be embedded within images and the text body of email messages.

The name of the file may throw off the judgment of many computer users today as it appears to be an executable file to either update or install a new version of the Adobe Flash Player. Unfortunately, the file 'adobe_flash.exe' may be malware that installs a Trojan Zlob version known as 'EncPk-DA' and 'Exchanger.mn' Trojans.

Adobe cannot reiterate it enough: 'Do not download Flash Player from a site other than Adobe.com'.

If a website other than Adobe.com offers a download or update of the Flash Player then you should NOT download or install it. This should be a common practice in knowing that you may potentially damage your computer or become a victim of identity theft from malware that is installed on your system. If you ever get a popup message prompting you to download or update your Flash Player, then you may want to navigate directly to Adobe.com to perform this task.

Fake Flash Player Download Popup

It may be wise to keep your anti-spyware or anti-virus software running at all times with the latest dat files installed. This may assist you in the case that you make the ultimate mistake of downloading the dreadful 'adobe_flash.exe'.

We want to hear about your experiences. Have you ever been prompted to update your Flash Player? Do you think you may have been infected with malware by performing a fake Flash Player update or download? Do you only download your Flash Player updated directly from Adobe.com?


  • chuck says:

    I have contracted this trojan unfortunatly......makes my computer extremely slow. Norton is not picking it up at all, and unfortunatly I was tricked by the duped flashplayer name/logo. A solution to fixing this problem would be much appreciated

  • Kartik Uppal says:

    I was spammed with this message on a game, claimimg that I was put in a video. SO i went on the site and it asked me to download a plugin. It said click here. I have UAC actived so I assume it never downloaded though I went to the site. AVG detected it, but I am not sure if it removed it. How would I know if i have it?

  • Emiliano says:

    Hi i'm Emiliano from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm infected right now with this virus. I need to remove it but i couldn't find any information. How can i remove it ?

  • Gina says:

    I erroneously downloaded Adobe flash player from a site other than Adobe's website and now I receive many messages saying that I'm now "infected" with trojans (I wish I would have known not to do this but I didn't). I have Norton anti-virus installed but these trojans are still finding their way through to my pc. Any suggestions on how to remove these viruses? Thanks...

  • Hannah Benchley says:

    I believe i was infected with this virus also. Is there a way to remove it?

  • Steve says:

    I ,too,have contracted this trojan unfortunatly……makes my computer extremely slow. my security program is not picking it up at all, and unfortunatly I was tricked by the duped flashplayer name/logo. A solution to fixing this problem would be much appreciated

  • Tony Oakes says:

    The flash player pro virus pops up frequently and my webroot antivirus isn't detecting it. It's very irritating to say the least. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • geoff clegg says:

    This request to download Adobe Flash Player is constantly popping up and preventing ( at worst) or slowing down my computer. How do I stop it?

  • Julie says:

    Yes this is a huge problem, I was trying to avoid extras in my download from adobe with chrome or mcafee on the player exe. but what can you do? Many of the softtonics pages create other ads etc to so you just have to accept what is available.

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The SpyHunter Trial version includes, for one device, a one-time 7-day Trial period for SpyHunter 5 Pro (Windows) or SpyHunter for Mac, offering comprehensive malware detection and removal functionality, high-performance guards to actively protect your system from malware threats, and access to our technical support team via the SpyHunter HelpDesk (or the number of devices set forth in the promotional materials/purchase page). You will not be charged upfront during the Trial period, although a credit card is required to activate the Trial. (Prepaid credit cards, debit cards, and gift cards are not accepted under this offer.) The requirement for your payment method is to help ensure continuous, uninterrupted security protection during your transition from a Trial to a paid subscription should you decide to purchase. Your payment method will not be charged a payment amount upfront during the Trial, although authorization requests may be sent to your financial institution to verify that your payment method is valid (such authorization submissions are not requests for charges or fees by EnigmaSoft but, depending upon your payment method and/or your financial institution, may reflect on your account availability). You can cancel your Trial by contacting EnigmaSoft no later than two business days before the 7-day Trial period expires to avoid a charge coming due and being processed immediately after your Trial expires. If you decide to cancel during your Trial, you will immediately lose access to SpyHunter. If, for any reason, you believe a charge was processed that you did not wish to make (which could occur based on system administration, for example), you may also cancel and receive a full refund for the charge any time within 30 days of the date of the purchase charge. See FAQs.

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How do you cancel a SpyHunter Trial? Users should contact EnigmaSoft Limited directly to cancel a SpyHunter Trial. Users can contact our technical support team by emailing support@enigmasoftware.com, opening a ticket in the SpyHunter HelpDesk, or calling +1 (888) 360-0646 (USA) / +353 76 680 3523 (Ireland/International). You can access the SpyHunter HelpDesk from SpyHunter's main screen. To open a support ticket, click on the "HelpDesk" icon. In the window that appears, click the "New Ticket" tab. Fill out the form and click the "Submit" button. If you are unsure of what "Problem Type" to select, please choose the "General Questions" option. Our support agents will promptly process your request and respond to you.


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You also have the choice of subscribing to SpyHunter immediately for full functionality, including malware removal and access to our support department via our HelpDesk, typically starting at $42 for 3 months (SpyHunter Basic Windows) and $42 for 3 months (SpyHunter for Mac) in accordance with the offering materials and registration/purchase page terms (which are incorporated herein by reference; pricing may vary by country or promotion per purchase page details). Your subscription will automatically renew at the then applicable standard subscription fee in effect at the time of your original purchase subscription and for the same subscription time period or as set forth in the promotion materials/purchase page, provided you’re a continuous, uninterrupted subscription user and for which you will receive a notice of upcoming charges before the expiration of your subscription. Purchase of SpyHunter is subject to the terms and conditions on the purchase page, EULA/TOS, Privacy/Cookie Policy and Discount Terms.


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