Home Malware Programs Mac Malware ValueKnow


Posted: March 27, 2020

ValueKnow is a deceptive Mac application that may be distributed online via misleading advertisements, fake downloads or software bundling. Regardless of the trick that ValueKnow uses to reach your computer, it will always perform the same task – inject a large number of advertisements in active Web browser windows. This program is categorized as adware, and its removal is strongly recommended.

The advertisements that ValueKnow spawns are likely to interfere with your Web browsing habits, and their contents may often promote shady websites, products and services. It is best to avoid following the links seen in advertisements that appear to be out of place – they may be spawned by adware, and such utilities promote legitimate content rarely.

While ValueKnow is not a major security concern for Mac users, it is a great reminder of why you should invest in a Mac security application to keep your computer safe. If you see the name 'ValueKnow' in your list of installed applications, then we suggest that you take care of its removal by using a suitable Mac security tool.
