UniversalWebResults is a piece of Mac adware that you may end up installing accidentally while trying to get freeware or shareware programs running on your computer. The good news is that having UniversalWebResults working in the background is not threatening, and it is not something that you should be too concerned about. However, you should know that UniversalWebResults is meant to work as adware – it will look for active Web browser instances, and then insert advertisements in them. The UniversalWebResults advertisements may come in different shapes – banners, pop-ups, redirects, hyperlinked words or sentences, etc. Needless to say, this behavior is very intrusive, even if it is not unsafe.
The best way to make sure that you will not end up with the UniversalWebResults running on your Mac is to install and activate the security modules of a credible Mac anti-malware service. This will not only help clean your computer from existing intrusive software but also will keep you safe in the future.
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