Home Malware Programs Ransomware ‘Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi’ Ransomware

‘Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi’ Ransomware

Posted: December 27, 2012

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 2/10
Infected PCs: 5
First Seen: December 27, 2012
Last Seen: March 7, 2022
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi Screenshot 1'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware is one of the latest variants of Reveton-based ransomware Trojans and keeps in line with that family's traditional hoax of attempting to impersonate local law enforcement officials. While 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware's pop-up accuses you of almost every crime that can be performed with a computer, 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware also may be installing other malware (such as spyware) and never should be considered to be legal software whose ransom fee should be paid. If you see 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware's fake police pop-up or similar alerts on your computer, SpywareRemove.com malware experts suggest that you use suitable PC security strategies to disable the pop-up and then remove 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware with an appropriate anti-malware product.

'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware and the Legal Threat That You Can Ignore in Safety

'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware is a new variant of Reveton Trojans with an extensive focus on their legal threats in their pop-ups. These warnings include claims that your PC has been used to download illegal pornography, distribute malicious software and/or pirate software, with outrageous jail time penalties and fines. However, 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware can't detect these crimes any more than any other type of ransomware Trojan could do, and SpywareRemove.com malware analysts stress that there aren't any ties between 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware and the real Turkish police.

Other Reveton variants that also appear to be using fake alert formats like 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware's own include ''Il vostro computer è stato bloccato' Ransomware and 'Az ön számítógépe blokkolásra került. Magyar Rendőrség' Ransomware. Likewise, the Turk Polisi Virus is one example of a similar ransomware-based PC threat that's also localized to Turkey. Even though the 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware displays its warning in Turkish and is specific to the nation of Turkey, SpywareRemove.com malware analysts emphasize that many similar PC threats have been seen throughout Europe and other first-world regions of the globe.

Closing the Door to the Summons from 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware's Fake Police

Even though 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware's fake police warning is the primary symptom of a 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware infection, 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware also can include other functions. Attacks that SpywareRemove.com malware analysts have found to be common from 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware's family include:

  • Attempts to block the Windows Task Manager.
  • Browser modifications that disable security features, block some websites and force your browser to load other websites.
  • The installation of spyware and other forms of malicious software that can conduct other attacks.

Since removing 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware prior to disabling 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware is a difficult task, SpywareRemove.com malware experts recommend that you disable 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware beforehand. Booting into Safe Mode or loading an OS from any USB drive should be sufficient for this. After 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware is disabled, any good anti-malware program should be able to delete 'Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi' Ransomware without your paying its ransom.

Use SpyHunter to Detect and Remove PC Threats

If you are concerned that malware or PC threats similar to ‘Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmiştir. Türk Polisi’ Ransomware may have infected your computer, we recommend you start an in-depth system scan with SpyHunter. SpyHunter is an advanced malware protection and remediation application that offers subscribers a comprehensive method for protecting PCs from malware, in addition to providing one-on-one technical support service.

* See Free Trial offer below. EULA and Privacy/Cookie Policy.

Why can't I open any program including SpyHunter? You may have a malware file running in memory that kills any programs that you try to launch on your PC. Tip: Download SpyHunter from a clean computer, copy it to a USB thumb drive, DVD or CD, then install it on the infected PC and run SpyHunter's malware scanner.

Technical Details

Additional Information

The following messages's were detected:
# Message
1Turk Polisi
Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmistir
?zinsiz ve yasadisi eylemleriniz cezayi sorumluluguna neden olur.
Bilgisayarinizin cali?masi izinsiz siber faaliyet belirti nedeniyle durdurulmustur.
A?andaki tarafinizdan yapilan olasi ihlalleri listelenmektedir:
Madde -174. Telif hakki
2 ile 5 yil arasinda hapis cezasi (telif eserlerin kullanimi veya dagitimi). 46.000 55.000 TRY para cezasi.
Madde 183 – pornografi 2 yila kadar hapis veya para cezasi (Pornografik dosyalan kullanim veya da?itim). 36 000 ile 50 000 TRY arasinda para cezasi Madde 184- cocuk iceren pornografi (18 ya?indan kucuk) 10-15 yila kadar hapis.(Pornografik dosyalan kullanim veya dagitim). 40 000 ile 80 000 TRY arasinda para cezasi.
Madde 104 – Terorizm Tesviki
Temyiz hakki olmaksizin 25 yila kadar hapis cezasi. (Teroristtik kuruluslarina ait sitelerinin ziyareti). Mal musadere ile 70 000 ile 90 000 TRY arasinda para cezasi.
Madde – 68. Virus programlari yayilmasi 2 yila kadar hapis cezasi (diger bilgisayarlara zarar veren virus programlarinin uretimi veya dagitimi). 30 000 ile 50 000 TRY arasinda para cezasi.
Madde -113. Lisanssiz yazilim kullanimi 2 yila kadar hapis cezasi (lisanssiz yazilim kullanimi.) 20 000 ile 44 000 TRY arasinda para cezasi.
Madde – 99. odeme kartlari ile ilgili dolandiricilik, karding
5 yil kadar hapis cezasi (kart sahibi tarafindan onaylanmayan odeme karti, kart bilgileri ile operasyon.) Mulke el koyma ile 60 000 ile 145 000 TRY arasinda para cezasi.
Madde 156. Pornografik Spam gonderilmesi
2 yila kadar hapis cezasi (pornografik spam e-postalarve sosyal aglar yoluyla yayinlanmasi). 30 000 ile 70 000 TRY arasinda para cezasi.

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