Home Malware Programs Mac Malware Thiocarbamylife.info


Posted: March 5, 2020

Thiocarbamylife.info is a page that users might end up seeing when they try to look online for pirated movie streams, sports streams or other streaming media. However, we assure you that Thiocarbamylife.info has no relevant content in store for you and, instead, the purpose of this website is to attempt to hijack your Web browser's push notifications. If it succeeds, it will abuse this feature to deliver an endless stream of advertisements that may promote shady products and services, or potentially harmful websites.

The tricks that Thiocarbamylife.info uses to gain permissions to display browser notifications may change periodically, but we can point some light on the scheme it uses currently. Users who stumble upon Thiocarbamylife.info will see a fake video player, which is accompanied by a message that says 'Click the Allow button to play video.' The message is accompanied by an arrow that points at the 'Allow' button on a prompt spawned by Google Chrome. The prompt asks you to provide Thiocarbamylife.info with permissions to 'Show Notifications.' Agreeing to this will not play any video, so you should not do it! The only thing that occurs is that you will end up seeing regular notifications by Thiocarbamylife.info.

This is not an issue that you should be worried about, but we advise you to try to eliminate the problem as soon as possible. This should be done by using your browser's settings panel to make sure that Thiocarbamylife.info is not allowed to display notifications.
