SubVideoTube is a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) whose creators are targeting macOS users. This software is not a threat, but it may cause trouble if you allow it to run on your device. SubVideoTube is distributed via software bundles frequently, which asks users to give SubVideoTube a try. The software is described as a video player that provides users with access to great entertainment, as well as the ability to enjoy audio and video streams from all sources. The installation of SubVideoTube is optional, as many people might approve it accidentally.
If SubVideoTube is present on your macOS computer, you may see extra advertisements while trying to view online videos. In addition to this, SubVideoTube may try to redirect you to 3rd-party sites when you perform certain actions like opening a new tab or trying to search the Web.
If you are not troubled by SubVideoTube's behavior and enjoy the application, then removing it is not mandatory. However, if you did not install SubVideoTube on purpose and are not happy with it, then you should ensure the full removal of its files by running an updated macOS security tool.
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