is a website, which appears to be affiliated with a browser add-on that goes by the name Search Swapper. While this add-on is not considered to be unsafe, its installation might cause some annoying changes to your Web browser's behavior and configuration. One of the most common problems that users might encounter is that will be set as either their default new tab page or search aggregator. While this is not harmful behavior, it is understandable why most users would find it intrusive and prefer to remove the software responsible for the issue. Using is safe at the moment since the website does not appear to host any 3rd-party content, nor does it attempt to promote any sort of advertisements or marketing content. It hosts a simple search field, which takes the users to a results page provided by the Yahoo Search.
If you begin to see whenever you browse the Web, then it is very likely that the installation of the Search Swapper add-on is the cause for this. There might be other Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) or browser hijackers meant to promote so that the best way to resolve the issue and remove the intrusive application is to use a trustworthy PC security scanner. The removal of the software that brought to your Web browser's settings also should revert any changes that the said software made automatically.
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