Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware
Posted: February 25, 2013
Threat Metric
The following fields listed on the Threat Meter containing a specific value, are explained in detail below:
Threat Level: The threat level scale goes from 1 to 10 where 10 is the highest level of severity and 1 is the lowest level of severity. Each specific level is relative to the threat's consistent assessed behaviors collected from SpyHunter's risk assessment model.
Detection Count: The collective number of confirmed and suspected cases of a particular malware threat. The detection count is calculated from infected PCs retrieved from diagnostic and scan log reports generated by SpyHunter.
Volume Count: Similar to the detection count, the Volume Count is specifically based on the number of confirmed and suspected threats infecting systems on a daily basis. High volume counts usually represent a popular threat but may or may not have infected a large number of systems. High detection count threats could lay dormant and have a low volume count. Criteria for Volume Count is relative to a daily detection count.
Trend Path: The Trend Path, utilizing an up arrow, down arrow or equal symbol, represents the level of recent movement of a particular threat. Up arrows represent an increase, down arrows represent a decline and the equal symbol represent no change to a threat's recent movement.
% Impact (Last 7 Days): This demonstrates a 7-day period change in the frequency of a malware threat infecting PCs. The percentage impact correlates directly to the current Trend Path to determine a rise or decline in the percentage.
Threat Level: | 2/10 |
Infected PCs: | 47 |
First Seen: | February 25, 2013 |
OS(es) Affected: | Windows |
Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware is a Police Trojan targeted at Luxembourg, and like similar Police Trojans, automatically displays a fake legal warning while Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware blocks you from using any other applications. Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware recommends that you pay a faux legal fine to remove its blockade, but SpywareRemove.com malware experts can't see any reason to do this – since Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware is illegal and totally unaffiliated with Luxembourgian law enforcement. Although you may need to use some additional steps to disable Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware and regain access to much of your PC, it's both feasible and advisable to remove Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware with a good anti-malware product, instead of rewarding Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware for its attack.
Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware: the Warning that Materializes When You Don't Deserve It
Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware uses a copycat pop-up warning that's nearly identical to that of similar Police Trojans, with the exception that its Trojan is localized for Luxembourg (but, oddly, with French as the language of choice, rather than Luxembourgish). This warning says that you've committed crimes related to downloading protected software or media, but even this opening statement isn't true - Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware is installed and launches a pop-up attack no matter how clean your online hobbies may be.
As an elaboration on that falsehood, SpywareRemove.com malware research team also notes that Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware isn't tied to the real Grand Ducal Police and doesn't have the legal right to block your PC with its pop-up warning. It goes without saying that you shouldn't pay the Paysafecard-based fine that Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware asks of you – and even if you do, it will not stop Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware from blocking your computer.
Stripping Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware of Its Fake Authority
Being unable to open any other programs on account of Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware's screen-blocking pop-up is (among other things) a security hazard that's worth an immediate response. SpywareRemove.com malware experts also suggest that you remedy the situation by disabling Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware before anything else is done. Disabling Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware and other Police Trojans can be done through a basic security feature like Safe Mode or by booting a separate OS from external sources (CDs, DVDs or your USB thumb drives).
When you can launch your OS without Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware and its pop-up initiating, you can delete Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware with any anti-malware software that you favor. Similar strategies can be applied to relatives of Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware, such as Polizia Penitenziaria Ransomware, Policie České Republiky Ransomware, the International Cyber Security Protection Alliance Virus, Cheshire Police Authority Ransomware, Rikspolisstyrelsen Ransomware, the United Kingdom Police Ukash Virus, and the Policia Boliviana Ransomware.
Use SpyHunter to Detect and Remove PC Threats
If you are concerned that malware or PC threats similar to Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg Ransomware may have infected your computer, we recommend you start an in-depth system scan with SpyHunter. SpyHunter is an advanced malware protection and remediation application that offers subscribers a comprehensive method for protecting PCs from malware, in addition to providing one-on-one technical support service.
* See Free Trial offer below. EULA and Privacy/Cookie Policy.
Why can't I open any program including SpyHunter? You may have a malware file running in memory that kills any programs that you try to launch on your PC. Tip: Download SpyHunter from a clean computer, copy it to a USB thumb drive, DVD or CD, then install it on the infected PC and run SpyHunter's malware scanner.
Technical Details
Additional Information
# | Message |
1 | Attention! Votre ordinateur est bloqué à cause d’un ou de plusieurs motifs, indiqués ci-dessous. (…) La diffusion du spam ou une autre operação publicitaire illégale em mas lucratif a été effectué de votre microcomputador, ou à votre insu, votre microcomputador est probablement infecté par le logiciel nuisible. (...) Vous ne pouvez payer l’amende que pendant 72 heures après la violation. À l’expiration de 72 heures la possibilité de payer l’amende est annulée, une affaire pénale contre vous sera pendant prochaines 72 heures automatiquement ouverte! La somme de l’amende fait 100€. |
2 | Police Grand-Ducale Luxembourg ATTENTION! Votre ordinateur est bloqué à cause d’un ou de plusieurs motifs, indiqués ci-dessous. Vous avez violé la loi «Sur le droit d’auteur et les droits contigus» (Vidéo, Musique, Logiciel) et vous avez illégalement servi et/ou diffusé le contenu protégé par le droit d’auteur, de ce fait vous avez violé l’article 128 du Code pénal de la Luxembourg. L’article 128 du Code pénal prévoit l’amende d’un montant de 200 jusqu’à 500 rémunérations du travail minimales ou la privation de liberté pour de 2 à 8 ans. |
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