Home Malware Programs Ransomware Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware

Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware

Posted: February 26, 2013

Threat Metric

Ranking: 1,966
Threat Level: 1/10
Infected PCs: 9,813
First Seen: February 26, 2013
Last Seen: March 9, 2025
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware is a clone of similar Police Ransomware that have been seen targeting Europe and South America, in particular. After detecting an Argentinean IP address, Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware displays an appropriate pop-up that attempts to persuade you that your machine has been locked as a consequence of numerous Internet-related crimes. Despite this, Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware is neither a representative of Argentina's Ministry of Security nor able to detect (or penalize) the crimes that Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware claims to be attacking. Because Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware's lockdown will greatly impede your ability to use your computer, SpywareRemove.com malware experts recommend that you use a combination of a good anti-malware program and the Safe Mode system-boot feature to disable and delete Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware promptly.

Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware: Closer to the Ministry of Highway Robbery

Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware claims to be sent by the PFA for the purpose of stopping online copyright infringement-based crimes (such as downloading software illegally), but Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware's warning is displayed even if you haven't committed such crimes. This pop-up alert, which is implemented as a screen-sized borderless pop-up that stays on top of your desktop, also demands a ransom fine while displaying your IP address and your operating system version. Although the criminals who distribute Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware would love for you to pay them a Paysafecard fee, SpywareRemove.com malware experts suggest that you use other methods of removing Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware's lockdown.

Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware is specific to Argentina, and its warning messages make references to Argentinean legal organizations. However, the same isn't true of other Police Trojans that are closely related to Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware. Some samples of the various relatives of Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware that SpywareRemove.com malware experts have found include Policie Ceske Republiky Ransomware, Polizia Penitenziaria Ransomware, the United Kingdom Police Ukash Virus, the International Cyber Security Protection Alliance Virus, Rikspolisstyrelsen Ransomware, Policia Boliviana Ransomware and Cheshire Police Authority Ransomware.

Playing the Part of Your PC Security to Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware's Fraudulent One

Similar to many other Police Trojans, Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware seeks to block you from using any other applications while Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware is open; this is done to force you to pay its ransom, although doing so will not remove Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware's lockdown. Because Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware isn't capable of enacting other penalties (regardless of the legal warnings that are included in its pop-up), SpywareRemove.com malware researchers recommend that you ignore Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware's ransom and remove Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware after you've disabled its lockdown.

Blocking Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware's attacks can be as simple as rebooting your PC in Safe Mode, although, in the worst scenarios, you may need to use extra steps – such as booting your PC from a peripheral hard drive-based device. With Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware disabled, you can delete Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware with any anti-malware program that you prefer, and without needing to pay its fine.

Use SpyHunter to Detect and Remove PC Threats

If you are concerned that malware or PC threats similar to Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware may have infected your computer, we recommend you start an in-depth system scan with SpyHunter. SpyHunter is an advanced malware protection and remediation application that offers subscribers a comprehensive method for protecting PCs from malware, in addition to providing one-on-one technical support service.

* See Free Trial offer below. EULA and Privacy/Cookie Policy.

Why can't I open any program including SpyHunter? You may have a malware file running in memory that kills any programs that you try to launch on your PC. Tip: Download SpyHunter from a clean computer, copy it to a USB thumb drive, DVD or CD, then install it on the infected PC and run SpyHunter's malware scanner.

Technical Details

Additional Information

The following URL's were detected:
The following messages's were detected:
# Message
1Ministerio de seguridad
Presidencia del la Nacion
¡ATENCIÓN! Su OP (ordenador) está bloqueado debido a al menos una de las razones especificadas siguientes.
Usted ha violado “el derecho de autor y los derechos conexos” (video, música, software) y ha utilizado de una manera illegal con la distribución de contenido los derechos de autor, infrigiendo así el artículo 128 del Criminal Code de la República de Argentina.
Las multas deben solamente ser pagodas durante 72 horas después de la infracción. Tan pronto como 72 horas transcurren, su posibilidad de pagar la multa sera expirada, así, un proceso penal será automáticamente iniciado en su contra durante las próximas 72 horas!

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