Home Malware Programs Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) Manuals Aid

Manuals Aid

Posted: May 6, 2020

Manuals Aid is a browser hijacker that may track certain actions that you perform over the Internet due to it injecting itself into popular web browser applications. Such an injection is in the form of it having associated web browser components, usually browser extensions. Such components may load when installing freeware apps or bundled software that come with other add-ons that automatically load when installing the initial download.

The Manuals Aid may offer various services or products based on your surf habits of viewing other products on the Internet. While Manuals Aid is not actually a malware threat, it is threatening through the potential modification of Internet settings. It is highly recommended that Manuals Aid and its associated components be found and removed, which is a process that can be done automatically using a trusted antimalware resource.
