Home Malware Programs Ransomware ‘Landespolizeidirection’ Ransomware

‘Landespolizeidirection’ Ransomware

Posted: February 13, 2013

Threat Metric

Ranking: 11,552
Threat Level: 2/10
Infected PCs: 3,696
First Seen: February 13, 2013
Last Seen: February 10, 2025
OS(es) Affected: Windows

'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware is a ransomware threat that attempts to steal money from its victims by displaying fake legal warnings that block your ability to access the Windows desktop. These pop-ups demand that you pay cash through either Paysafecard or Ukash to restore your PC to normal, but SpywareRemove.com malware experts recommend that you do the opposite, and hold onto your money while removing 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware with an appropriate anti-malware product. Because 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware can hinder your ability to use other programs, you also should be ready to disable 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware by any means necessary – such as using Safe Mode or even booting your computer from a peripheral device.

'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware: Germany's Latest Plague of Fake Police

Although ransomware Trojans have spread through most first-world nations, Germany has been among the most prevalent targets for such attacks. 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware is a good indicator that PC-based criminals aren't giving up on their lucrative scam, which, even in 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware's variant, uses the same basic hoax of issuing fraudulent pop-up warnings about your supposedly criminal actions.

'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware's German pop-up may display your IP address and claim that you've been caught committing any of various forms of copyright infringement, but 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware actually is incapable of detecting any of these crimes. Although the 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware also displays the avian logo of the German police, it certainly shouldn't be shocking to learn that the 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware is illegal software that doesn't have the backing of the Landespolizei.

SpywareRemove.com malware researchers also have noted that 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware indulges in typical behavior for a ransomware Trojan by attempting to block you from accessing other applications. While 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware is open, you may be unable to launch security tools that could be used to remove 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware. However, it should be emphasized that this isn't a good reason to pay 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware's fraudulent legal fee.

Telling 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware Where to Stick Its Threats

'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware warns you with possible jail time and other legal consequences for not paying it through one of two voucher services, but SpywareRemove.com malware experts encourage you to ignore these bluffs and treat 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware like any other Trojan. Since 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware disguises some of its components as the files of other programs, they also discourage attempts to delete 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware without the help of any automated software.

The paths that 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware Trojans take to infect new PCs haven't been identified in full, but SpywareRemove.com malware analysts have noted that disguised spam links and websites abusing drive-by-download exploits are major infection vectors for similar ransomware-based attacks. Currently identified as a variant of Urausy, 'Landespolizeidirection' Ransomware is far from the only ransomware Trojan to attack Europe: very similar PC threats include 'Es ist die ungesetzliche Tätigkeit enthüllt!' Bundespolizei Ransomware, Bundesamt fur Polizei Virus, Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit Ransomware, 'Die offizielle Mitteilung des Bundeskriminalamtes' and 'Il vostro computer è stato bloccato' Ransomware.

Use SpyHunter to Detect and Remove PC Threats

If you are concerned that malware or PC threats similar to ‘Landespolizeidirection’ Ransomware may have infected your computer, we recommend you start an in-depth system scan with SpyHunter. SpyHunter is an advanced malware protection and remediation application that offers subscribers a comprehensive method for protecting PCs from malware, in addition to providing one-on-one technical support service.

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Why can't I open any program including SpyHunter? You may have a malware file running in memory that kills any programs that you try to launch on your PC. Tip: Download SpyHunter from a clean computer, copy it to a USB thumb drive, DVD or CD, then install it on the infected PC and run SpyHunter's malware scanner.

Technical Details

Additional Information

The following URL's were detected:
The following messages's were detected:
# Message
1ACHTUNG! Ihr Computer ist aus einem oder mehreren der unten aufgeführten Gründe gesperrt.
Sie haben gegen das Gesetz über «Urheberrecht und verwandte Schutzrechte» (Video, Musik, Software) verstoßen und unrechtmäßig urheberrechtliche Inhalte genutzt, bzw. Verbreitet und somit gegen Art. 128 des Strafgesetzbuches der Bundersrepublik Österreich verstoßen.

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