Home Malware Programs Ransomware ‘Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego’ Ransomware

‘Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego’ Ransomware

Posted: November 12, 2012

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 2/10
Infected PCs: 49
First Seen: November 12, 2012
OS(es) Affected: Windows

'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware is a ransomware Trojan that pretends to be a warning from the Polish government about child pornography, file piracy, copyright infringement and other computer-based crimes. Instead of being a real emissary from the Policja, 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware has been confirmed by SpywareRemove.com malware experts as a Trojan that tries to steal money by threatening you with legal attacks – regardless of whether or not you're guilty of committing the aforementioned crimes. Since 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware's fine is, itself, illegal and an unnecessary demand for money that you should keep for yourself, you should remove 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware infections by using good anti-malware programs to disinfect your PC.

'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware: the Crime without Evidence and the Fine without Legality

Current reports by SpywareRemove.com malware researchers haven't found a definitive infection vector for 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware, although spam e-mail messages, browser exploits like Blacole and other Trojans all may be used to help install 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware on an unwilling computer. 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware is targeted at the residents of Poland, although SpywareRemove.com malware researchers have seen close relatives of 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware in Canada, Ireland and the UK – besides many other ransomware Trojans all over Europe and the rest of the world.

Once 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware does get onto your PC, 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware displays a fake pop-up warning in Polish. These alerts claim that you've been confirmed to be associated with Internet-based crimes and you re been punished with a fine of five hundred zlotys (roughly one hundred and fifty USD).

However, despite the contents of its warning, the 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware isn't able to detect any type of criminal actions and is not allowed by law to request money from you. SpywareRemove.com malware experts particularly warn against paying 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware's fine, which doesn't carry with it any guarantee of removing 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware from your computer.

The Hidden Frailty of 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware's Little Lock

Since 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware blocks you from using other programs or most of Windows, a surface inspection of a 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware attack may leave you to believe that removing 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware for free could be hopeless. However, SpywareRemove.com malware research team has found otherwise and recommends that you apply the following strategies to both 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware and its relatives ('Tá do ríomhaire cosc curtha' Ransomware, Royal Canadian Mount Police (RCMP) Ransomware and West Yorkshire Ransomware):

  • Disable 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware by booting your PC into Safe Mode or by loading an OS from an uninfected source (such as a removable USB drive).
  • Scan your PC with appropriate anti-malware software to remove 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware and any other malware that may be related to its attack. SpywareRemove.com malware experts also note that, due to 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware's nature as a recently identified ransomware Trojan, you may need to update said software before it can detect 'Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware.

Use SpyHunter to Detect and Remove PC Threats

If you are concerned that malware or PC threats similar to ‘Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego’ Ransomware may have infected your computer, we recommend you start an in-depth system scan with SpyHunter. SpyHunter is an advanced malware protection and remediation application that offers subscribers a comprehensive method for protecting PCs from malware, in addition to providing one-on-one technical support service.

* See Free Trial offer below. EULA and Privacy/Cookie Policy.

Why can't I open any program including SpyHunter? You may have a malware file running in memory that kills any programs that you try to launch on your PC. Tip: Download SpyHunter from a clean computer, copy it to a USB thumb drive, DVD or CD, then install it on the infected PC and run SpyHunter's malware scanner.

Technical Details

Additional Information

The following messages's were detected:
# Message
1Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego
Ujawnily nastepujace naruszenia:
• Pobierz nagranie wideo lub przekazywanie materialów pornograficznych z udzialem maloletnich, pornografii dzieciecej, ogród i przemocy wobec dzieci. Korzystanie z pirackich nagran audio-video oraz ich rozmieszczenie.
Dystrybucja i przechowywanie pornografii przestepstwa przewidzianego w art (art. 227-23) kodeksu karnego w Polsce. Obejmuje ona pozbawienia wolnosci na okres od 2 do 5 lat.
• Korzystanie z naruszeniem praw autorskich oprogramowania. Kara zgodnie z art (art. 323-2), polski kodeks karny przewiduje kare pozbawienia wolnosci na okres od 1 do 3 lat.
• Transfer plików multimedialnych naruszeniu praw autorskich. Kara zgodnie z art (art. 323-3), polski kodeks kamy przewiduje kare pozbawienia wolnosci na okres od 1 do 3 lat.
Aby odblokowac komputer, bedziesz musial zaplacic grzywne. Zgodnie z prawem polskim, równowartosc 500 PLN za 3 dni. Kara grzywny jest mozliwe, jesli to przestepstwo zostalo popelnione po raz pierwszy. Zostaniesz przeniesiony do odpowiedzialnosci zgodnie z prawem przestepstwo kraj Polsce. Jesli nie uiszczenia grzywny w ciagu 1-3 dni, komputer zostana skonfiskowane, sprawa zostanie skierowana do rozpatrzenia sadu rejonowego.
Mozesz zaplacic grzywne z pomoca naszego kuponu Ukash partnerow.
Bedziesz musial zakupic kupon Ukash warta 500 PLN, a nastepnie wypelnic formularz wpisz kod i kliknij "Grzywny zaplaty / OK". Komputer zostanie odblokowany po kupon Ukash uwierzytelniania. . Zazwyczaj 1-4 godziny
2The computer was locked due to the breach of Polish law
Revealed the following violations:
• Downloading or transmission of the video of pornographic material involving minors, child pornography, sodomy and violence against children. The use of pirated audio-video and their arrangement.
Distribution and storage of child pornography offenses provided for in Article (Article 227-23) of the Criminal Code in Poland. It includes imprisonment for a term of 2 to 5 years.
• Use of software copyright infringement. Punishment in accordance with Article (Article 323-2), the Polish Penal Code provides for a penalty of imprisonment for a period of 1 to 3 years.
• Transfer media files copyright infringement. Punishment in accordance with Article (Article 323-3), the Polish Penal Code provides for imprisonment for a period of 1 to 3 years.
To unlock the computer, you will have to pay a fine. According to Polish law, the equivalent of 500 PLN for 3 days. The fine is possible if the offense is committed for the first time. You will be transferred to the responsibility of a criminal offense under the laws of the country Poland. If you do not pay the fine within 1-3 days, your computer will be confiscated, the matter will be referred to the consideration of the district court.
You can pay a fine of Ukash voucher with our partners.
You will need to purchase a Ukash voucher worth 500 PLN, and then fill out the form, type the code and click "Fines paid / OK". Your computer will be unlocked after Ukash authentication. . Usually 1-4 hours'

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