Home Malware Programs Ransomware KEYPASS Ransomware

KEYPASS Ransomware

Posted: August 13, 2018

The KEYPASS Ransomware is a file-locking Trojan that runs an AES and RSA data-encrypting routine for blocking your media files, which may include documents, pictures and other content. This estimated update of the STOP Ransomware is using infection methods that target users around the world and can compromise other PCs via non-secure networks. Users should have their anti-malware programs delete the KEYPASS Ransomware before using any appropriate, non-ransom-based recovery methods for their data.

The Trojan that Went from 'Stop' to 'Go' Globally

What most cyber-security experts are dubbing as an update of the previously-successful STOP Ransomware campaign is, now, circulating with the brand of the KEYPASS Ransomware. Threat actors may be using automatic infection vectors for any downloads, and are targeting various networks throughout the world. Business servers are at the most risk of an attack, along with NGO and government networks, although casual PC users also are endangered by the KEYPASS Ransomware's encryption.

Malware experts can confirm that separate victims of the KEYPASS Ransomware attacks are reaching triple digits at a minimum, since the second week of August, with at least twenty countries affected globally. The evidence is implying that the threat actors are distributing this file-locking Trojan by hacking into networks with brute-force attacks that can 'crack' login credentials currently. Symptoms associated with the KEYPASS Ransomware's initial attack for encrypting and blocking the infected PC's media may or may not be visible, although its predecessor, the STOP Ransomware, doesn't show any symptomatic behavior, at this point.

The KEYPASS Ransomware creates Notepad ransoming instructions and sells its premium, file-unlocking decryptor in return for Bitcoins. Its countdown before the cost rises to an unspecified, higher amount (after seventy-two hours) is one of the traditional social engineering techniques that malware experts see in abuse in file-locking Trojans' campaigns routinely. Since there isn't a free decryptor for the KEYPASS Ransomware or the old version of the STOP Ransomware, the victims have no other way of directly restoring their files, unless they have unaffected backups.

When Trojans Do Second Passes on Your Files

Besides its steep rise in distribution rates, the KEYPASS Ransomware's campaign has a second factor that makes it unusual for a file-locker Trojan: some victims are reporting of additional, simultaneous infections by other threats of the same classification. For now, malware analysts can confirm only members of the GandCrab Ransomware family in utilization in these attacks. Because double-encryption by two, separate Trojans can corrupt your files beyond any chances of decrypting, a network security issue could render the contents of a PC as good as deleted despite the media being present technically.

The KEYPASS Ransomware infections are attacking network shares, along with contents of the original PC that they compromise. Network admins should avoid brute-force-vulnerable logins and use appropriate security measures for keeping Trojans from accessing the media on other devices on the same network too readily. Although any victims should uninstall the KEYPASS Ransomware with the help of an appropriate anti-malware application as soon as possible, they may find some benefits from the limited 'free samples' of the decryptor that its threat actor is making available.

An international Trojan like the KEYPASS Ransomware doesn't need its victims to engage in unwise Web-browsing actions actively to take advantage of their vulnerabilities. Very often, file-locking Trojans don't need any more help than for someone to keep using a password that they ought to know is weak to a third-party's guessing outright.

Use SpyHunter to Detect and Remove PC Threats

If you are concerned that malware or PC threats similar to KEYPASS Ransomware may have infected your computer, we recommend you start an in-depth system scan with SpyHunter. SpyHunter is an advanced malware protection and remediation application that offers subscribers a comprehensive method for protecting PCs from malware, in addition to providing one-on-one technical support service.

* See Free Trial offer below. EULA and Privacy/Cookie Policy.

Why can't I open any program including SpyHunter? You may have a malware file running in memory that kills any programs that you try to launch on your PC. Tip: Download SpyHunter from a clean computer, copy it to a USB thumb drive, DVD or CD, then install it on the infected PC and run SpyHunter's malware scanner.

SpyHunter Free Trial: Important Terms & Conditions

The SpyHunter Trial version includes, for one device, a one-time 7-day Trial period for SpyHunter 5 Pro (Windows) or SpyHunter for Mac, offering comprehensive malware detection and removal functionality, high-performance guards to actively protect your system from malware threats, and access to our technical support team via the SpyHunter HelpDesk (or the number of devices set forth in the promotional materials/purchase page). You will not be charged upfront during the Trial period, although a credit card is required to activate the Trial. (Prepaid credit cards, debit cards, and gift cards are not accepted under this offer.) The requirement for your payment method is to help ensure continuous, uninterrupted security protection during your transition from a Trial to a paid subscription should you decide to purchase. Your payment method will not be charged a payment amount upfront during the Trial, although authorization requests may be sent to your financial institution to verify that your payment method is valid (such authorization submissions are not requests for charges or fees by EnigmaSoft but, depending upon your payment method and/or your financial institution, may reflect on your account availability). You can cancel your Trial by contacting EnigmaSoft no later than two business days before the 7-day Trial period expires to avoid a charge coming due and being processed immediately after your Trial expires. If you decide to cancel during your Trial, you will immediately lose access to SpyHunter. If, for any reason, you believe a charge was processed that you did not wish to make (which could occur based on system administration, for example), you may also cancel and receive a full refund for the charge any time within 30 days of the date of the purchase charge. See FAQs.

At the end of the Trial, you will be billed upfront immediately at the price and for the subscription period as set forth in the offering materials and registration/purchase page terms (which are incorporated herein by reference; pricing may vary by country or promotion per purchase page details) if you have not timely canceled. Pricing typically starts at $72 for 3 months (SpyHunter Pro Windows) and $42 for 3 months (SpyHunter for Mac). Your purchased subscription will be automatically renewed in accordance with the registration/purchase page terms, which provide for automatic renewals at the then applicable standard subscription fee in effect at the time of your original purchase and for the same subscription time period or as set forth in the promotion materials/purchase page, provided you’re a continuous, uninterrupted subscription user. Please see the purchase page for details. Trial subject to these Terms, your agreement to EULA/TOS, Privacy/Cookie Policy, and Discount Terms. If you wish to uninstall SpyHunter, learn how.

For payment on the automatic renewal of your subscription, an email reminder will be sent to the email address you provided when you registered before each payment date. At the onset of your trial, you will receive an activation code that is limited to use for only one Trial and for only one device per account. Your subscription will automatically renew at the price and for the subscription period in accordance with the offering materials and registration/purchase page terms (which are incorporated herein by reference; pricing may vary by country or promotion per purchase page details), provided that you are a continuous, uninterrupted subscription user. For paid subscription users, if you cancel, you will continue to have access to your product(s) until the end of your paid subscription period. If you wish to receive a refund for your then current subscription period, you must cancel and apply for a refund within 30 days of your most recent purchase, and you will immediately stop receiving full functionality when your refund is processed.

For CALIFORNIA CONSUMERS, please see the notice provisions:

NOTICE TO CALIFORNIA CONSUMERS: Per the California Automatic Renewal Law, you may cancel a subscription as follows:

  1. Go to www.enigmasoftware.com and click the "Login" button at the top right corner.
  2. Log in with your username and password.
  3. In the navigation menu, go to "Order/Licenses." Next to your order/license, a button is available to cancel your subscription if applicable. Note: If you have multiple orders/products, you will need to cancel them on an individual basis.

Should you have any questions or problems, you can contact our EnigmaSoft support team by phone at +1 (888) 360-0646 (USA Toll-Free) / +353 76 680 3523 (Ireland/International) or by email at support@enigmasoftware.com.

How do you cancel a SpyHunter Trial? Users should contact EnigmaSoft Limited directly to cancel a SpyHunter Trial. Users can contact our technical support team by emailing support@enigmasoftware.com, opening a ticket in the SpyHunter HelpDesk, or calling +1 (888) 360-0646 (USA) / +353 76 680 3523 (Ireland/International). You can access the SpyHunter HelpDesk from SpyHunter's main screen. To open a support ticket, click on the "HelpDesk" icon. In the window that appears, click the "New Ticket" tab. Fill out the form and click the "Submit" button. If you are unsure of what "Problem Type" to select, please choose the "General Questions" option. Our support agents will promptly process your request and respond to you.


SpyHunter Purchase Details

You also have the choice of subscribing to SpyHunter immediately for full functionality, including malware removal and access to our support department via our HelpDesk, typically starting at $42 for 3 months (SpyHunter Basic Windows) and $42 for 3 months (SpyHunter for Mac) in accordance with the offering materials and registration/purchase page terms (which are incorporated herein by reference; pricing may vary by country or promotion per purchase page details). Your subscription will automatically renew at the then applicable standard subscription fee in effect at the time of your original purchase subscription and for the same subscription time period or as set forth in the promotion materials/purchase page, provided you’re a continuous, uninterrupted subscription user and for which you will receive a notice of upcoming charges before the expiration of your subscription. Purchase of SpyHunter is subject to the terms and conditions on the purchase page, EULA/TOS, Privacy/Cookie Policy and Discount Terms.


General Terms

Any purchase for SpyHunter under a discounted price is valid for the offered discounted subscription term. After that, the then applicable standard pricing will apply for automatic renewals and/or future purchases. Pricing is subject to change, although we will notify you in advance of price changes.

All SpyHunter versions are subject to your agreeing to our EULA/TOS, Privacy/Cookie Policy, and Discount Terms. Please also see our FAQs and Threat Assessment Criteria. If you wish to uninstall SpyHunter, learn how.

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