Famoussearchserver.com is just one link in a long chain of fake search engine sites that are styled after a basic and repeatedly-used 'CC Search' template. SpywareRemove.com malware researchers have found that contact with Famoussearchserver.com can be linked to both browser hijackers and even rootkits such as ZeroAccess. Although Famoussearchserver.com appears to offer useful links and search results, you should avoid clicking on any links that Famoussearchserver.com offers since Famoussearchserver.com links can expose your PC to drive-by-download attacks, phishing sites, scamware sites and other types of online content of a malicious nature. If you find that your browser is redirecting you to Famoussearchserver.com or showing other signs of being hijacked, you should use industry-standard anti-malware programs and techniques to delete the Famoussearchserver.com infection, before Famoussearchserver.com has a chance to create other problems.
Introducing the Only-Slightly Infamous Famoussearchserver.com
Although you will not hear it from Famoussearchserver.com, Famoussearchserver.com is a copy of other websites that keep the CC Search 'fake search engine' scam alive. Identical mirrors of Famoussearchserver.com include coolsearchserver.com, Wickedsearchsystem.com, classysearchserver.com, Supersearchserver.com and ,excellentsearchserver.com (along with many others). Like Famoussearchserver.com, these websites recycle a sky-themed appearance with the CC Search logo, along with links organized by subjects of interest, to make themselves appear like legitimate search engine sites. The depressing reality that SpywareRemove.com malware experts found long ago is that Famoussearchserver.com and Famoussearchserver.com's cousins are unwilling to (and, in fact, incapable of) offering relevant search result links.
Instead of 'real' search results, any attempts to use Famoussearchserver.com will spit out websites like the following:
- Phishing websites that try to look like legitimate sites, but contain an illegitimate URL. In most cases, phishing sites aim to steal account login information such as user names and passwords.
- Scamware websites that sell rogue security programs, rogue defraggmenters and other types of fake software. These sites typically create fake error messages as part of their installation method, and may install their rogue software directly, by using drive-by-download scripts.
- Completely irrelevant websites that are used only for the advertisement-based revenue that they provide to Famoussearchserver.com's web masters. Even the advertisements that these sites host may be harmful; you should avoid trusting any advertisement that implies that you've won a prize without doing anything or any advertisement that simulates a system scan.
Infections That Famoussearchserver.com May Sling Onto Your Hard Drive
Malicious software from Famoussearchserver.com is most likely to consist of browser hijackers and rootkits with browser hijacker-functionality (such as ZeroAccess) that try to drive you to Famoussearchserver.com on a regular basis. Effects of these attacks can include the following problems, which are malware experts have noted to be especially visible:
- Browser redirects that force you to visit Famoussearchserver.com, especially when you try to visit your homepage or use a search engine.
- Blocked PC security sites, even if they result in a seemingly-realistic error message.
- Pop-ups and other forms of advertisements; these pop-ups may display fake infection alerts or fake prize-winning notifications.
- Altered system settings, particularly for your web browser, firewall or network ports. You may or may not be able to change these settings back to normal, but until you've deleted the Famoussearchserver.com infection, a reboot will undo all of your work.
- The presence of other forms of harmful programs, such as rogue anti-virus scanners, fake defraggers or non-functional anti-spyware utilities.
The simplest way to get rid of a Famoussearchserver.com-related infection is to use a confirmed-as-trustworthy anti-malware program to scan your hard drive, Registry and memory. However, SpywareRemove.com malware experts also recommend that you update your scanner and boot into Safe Mode before you attempt a scan to remove Famoussearchserver.com software, to maximize the chance of total removal.
Technical Details
File System Modifications
File name: %Windows%\system32\consrv.dllFile type: Dynamic link library
Mime Type: unknown/dll
File name: %Windows%\system32\DRIVERS\mrxsmb.sysFile type: System file
Mime Type: unknown/sys
Registry Modifications
HKEY..\..\..\..{Subkeys}SubSystems: Windows = basesrv,1 winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3 consrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2 sxssrv,4
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