Home Malware Programs Ransomware Dodoc Ransomware

Dodoc Ransomware

Posted: July 24, 2019

The Dodoc Ransomware is a file-locking Trojan from the STOP Ransomware's family. The Dodoc Ransomware can block media with encryption, create ransom messages, alter the names of your files, and may assist with the collection of your confidential information. Appropriate backup storage will counter most of the possible damage from the Dodoc Ransomware infections, and anti-malware tools should delete the Dodoc Ransomware appropriately.

Trojans Just Will not STOP Attacking Your Media

There's increased competition in the same regions (see: the Com2 Ransomware campaign). Despite that, the deployment of the STOP Ransomware's Ransomware-as-a-Service remains steady. New versions of this RaaS family of file-locking Trojans are noted for targeting nations like India or the Philippines, albeit not exclusively. The Dodoc Ransomware is another successor to the early stages of the business and lays claim to an equally-advanced version number of 1.25.

Usual infection methodology for the Dodoc Ransomware's family includes torrents and other, mislabeled downloads, as well as hacking business servers without sufficient security. After gaining system access, the Dodoc Ransomware encrypts documents, pictures, and other media formats, according to an internal list of targets. The method of encryption is consistently AES-based but may use either an online or offline securing option.

Malware researchers categorize online encryption as being frequently-impossible for reverse-engineering. However, users who block the Dodoc Ransomware's Internet connection may have a better chance of unlocking their work. Any file that's suffering from the effects of the Dodoc Ransomware's payload will include an inserted 'dodoc' extension, which is a traditional feature for Trojans of this type.

Old Solutions for Bypassing the Newest Trojan Patches

The Dodoc Ransomware is one of the newest versions of its family, and its business characterizes itself with regular updates and illicit download-themed infection vectors for Asian users. However, the encryption, additional extensions, and other features, such as deleting the Shadow Volume Copy-based backups, persist throughout all members, old and new. Instead of drastically revamping one's defenses regularly, malware experts recommend general-purpose precautions against file-locking Trojans.

Backing up media to cloud services or removable devices will give victims a recovery option for their files that doesn't depend on the risk of a ransom transaction. Traditional anti-malware products have high rates for detecting Trojan droppers that may conceal themselves inside of miscellaneous downloads, especially, torrents. Lastly, users should be cautious about enabling macros in documents or spreadsheets, which can facilitate threat-downloading attacks.

This family's members are highly-numerous and include dozens of examples, among which, the latest are the Todar Ransomware, the Darus Ransomware, the Lokas Ransomware, the Berosuce Ransomware, and the Herad Ransomware. Fortunately, anti-malware services of most brands will identify and delete them, including removing the Dodoc Ransomware as needed.

From the youngest to the oldest versions, the STOP Ransomware is a family that offers consistent encryption problems for those without backup plans. When the alternative is rewarding the Dodoc Ransomware with money, it's not hard to see why a backup should be on everyone's agenda.
