Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Click-to-continue.network


Posted: November 13, 2020

Click-to-continue.network is a website trying to trick its visitors into enabling this page's notifications in their browser. It tries to do this by displaying fake instructions that try to convince visitors that they need to verify their identity by clicking the 'Allow' button. However, users who perform this action will end up having to see dozens of Click-to-continue.network notifications every few minutes. Needless to say, this is not an enjoyable experience, especially because of Click-to-continue.network's habit to display links to suspicious sites.

If your favorite Web browser seems to be plagued by the Click-to-continue.network notifications, then you should not allow this to continue happening. You need to load your browser's configuration panel and then use the 'Site Settings' section to make sure that Click-to-continue.network is blocked from using notifications.
