Home Malware Programs Adware AdWare.Kraddare


Posted: March 1, 2011

AdWare.Kraddare is verified as a Trojan that presents a high level of risk to the security of the computer infected by AdWare.Kraddare. AdWare.Kraddare will use substantial system resources and may install other malware onto any system AdWare.Kraddare contacts. Some sources also indicate the potential of AdWare.Kraddare for allowing remote attackers to access the system and control or damage it. The creation of numerous registry entries and registering various other components makes deleting AdWare.Kraddare a relatively complex task that should be handled by anti-malware programs.

AdWare.Kraddare's Trojan is Difficult (But Not Impossible) to Evade

Infections based on AdWare.Kraddare will begin by creating various entries in your registry to enable AdWare.Kraddare to run in the background. This occurs whenever your computer starts up, and may make removal or even temporarily stopping AdWare.Kraddare difficult without using Safe Mode.
Infection incidents suggest that AdWare.Kraddare is from South Korea; if you're careful around file sources from that region, you may be able to avoid this Trojan easily. AdWare.Kraddare is also detected as Generic PUP.x!ga and Trojan.ADH by different security applications. File size shouldn't be considered an identifying trait, since AdWare.Kraddare infections have been noted to use freeware compression sources to compress down to extremely small and seemingly harmless sizes.
This heavy security risk was confirmed as a threatening entity early in 2011, which places importance on properly updated anti-virus software. A lack of updates to malware definitions can make your security useless for detecting AdWare.Kraddare or removing it.

A Trojan with Many Means of Aggression

AdWare.Kraddare has been noted for the following malicious behavior:

  • The registration of a .dll file. Dynamic link library files are normally benign, but can be misused to enable malicious behavior such as browser hijacks.
  • AdWare.Kraddare will download, install and run files without permission. This can rapidly create a hostile environment where the coordinating efforts of various malware can make removing any one of them a problematic chore.
  • Remote attackers may access your system more easily if AdWare.Kraddare is infecting it. Trojans like AdWare.Kraddare can download programs that make remote attacks easier and can disable security that would normally prevent such attacks. Port 80 is particularly likely to be targeted and made vulnerable.
  • AdWare.Kraddare will also register a Browser Help Object, also known as a BHO. BHOs can be used for hostile browser-oriented behavior, especially spying on information that passes through your web browser.
  • The last problem AdWare.Kraddare has been documented to cause is a broad slowdown of the infected computer due to excessive use of resources, such as memory.

Such behavior makes tolerating this Trojan infection misguided at best; one should always try to delete AdWare.Kraddare wherever one finds it to keep the computer in question secure.

File System Modifications

  • The following files were created in the system:
    # File Name
    1 %PROGRAM_FILES%\AdWare.Kraddare
    2 c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\AdWare.Kraddare \
    3 c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\AdWare.Kraddare \

Registry Modifications

  • The following newly produced Registry Values are:

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