Home Malware Programs Trojans Trojan.Autokey


Posted: June 22, 2011

Trojan.Autokey is a worm and a Trojan that can use network resources to infect new PCs, as well as download harmful files to your computer. Although a Trojan.Autokey worm is an old and outdated threat, any possible Trojan.Autokey infection can still be an extreme threat to your computer's security. It's recommended that you pay close attention to network security to keep Trojan.Autokey from spreading, and follow that up by removing Trojan.Autokey from your PC with an anti-virus program's help.

The Worm Side of Trojan.Autokey

Trojan.Autokey has both worm and Trojan functions and is often found defined in the form of either one. As a worm, Trojan.Autokey can create copies of itself and use removable devices or network-shared resources to spread itself to a new computer:

  • Trojan.Autokey may copy Trojan.Autokey's body to all drives, including removable devices like USB thumb drives and writable CDs. These files are typically flagged with the Hidden and System attributes to prevent you from seeing a Trojan.Autokey infection, unless you've changed your file-viewing preferences from the default settings. The addition of an Autorun.inf file lets Trojan.Autokey run itself whenever a new computer accesses this drive, without requiring you to open a file.
  • In addition to hitching a ride on storage media, Trojan.Autokey may copy itself to network-shared areas of your computer A similar Autorun.inf-based exploit will let Trojan.Autokey install itself on any computer that accesses the same network-shared folders.

The Trojan Half of Trojan.Autokey

Trojan.Autokey has been rated to be a high-level security threat, because of Trojan.Autokey's ability to download and install other malicious programs without requesting for your permission. Programs that are installed by Trojan.Autokey may:

  • Create fake infection warnings to mislead you about your computer's health, and block off certain programs. Most programs that use these attacks are threats that will try to steal your credit card information and money.
  • Use keylogger functions or other spyware features to record private information on your PC, into a log file which is then sent to remote criminal entities. Spyware programs are known for aiding identity theft-related crimes.
  • Disable your security programs, such as your firewall, anti-virus scanner, or Task Manager. These programs may even appear to be infected when they're unharmed, save for being restricted by a Trojan.Autokey cohort.
  • Take over your computer, and force it to become part of DDoS networks and other widespread illegalities.

Trojan.Autokey was first seen in 2008, but can still threaten any PC that's running a vulnerable operating system. Since there's a likelihood that multiple threats accompany Trojan.Autokey, you should make use of an anti-malware application.

File System Modifications

  • The following files were created in the system:
    # File Name File Size (bytes) File Hash
    1 FlashGuard.exe 212,599 7b7412fa7c7d1d5dbd89345e66a54e79

Registry Modifications

  • The following newly produced Registry Values are: