Home Malware Programs Adware Adware.Margoc!rem


Posted: February 28, 2011

The Adware.Margoc!rem infection is a combination of Trojan and adware, installing unwanted malware with a focus on advertisements. Adware.Margoc!rem has also been noted to cause very serious damage to systems because of its tendency to delete files. Networks are somewhat vulnerable to Adware.Margoc!rem, since it may be able to spread through them either by directly copying itself or by hitching a ride on other network-exploiting malware such as worms. This infection has been solidly pinned down as a high-level risk to security, so deleting Adware.Margoc!rem is a necessity to insure your computer's well being.

How Adware.Margoc!rem Carves a Swath of Destruction Through Your PC

Many forms of adware will place advertising on your computer and leave their attacks at that, but Adware.Margoc!rem is, unfortunately, a bit more wide-ranging in its aggression. You may find yourself dealing with some or all of the following:

  • Files deleted without your permission, especially files related to your operating system. The purpose behind this activity isn't yet positively identified; Adware.Margoc!rem may be overwriting files with its own body or simply deleting files at random for its own sake. This is the greatest danger behind Adware.Margoc!rem, and can eventually destroy your entire system, requiring a full reinstallation of the OS.
  • Adware.Margoc!rem is likely to exploit local networks to infect other computers, although there are conflicting reports on how Adware.Margoc!rem does this. Some reports indicate that Adware.Margoc!rem piggybacks on other malware, while others yet call Adware.Margoc!rem self-sufficient in mobility. Either way, it makes network security important to avoid infection.
  • Adware.Margoc!rem is first and foremost a Trojan, which means that Adware.Margoc!rem will download malware and run it without requesting anything of you. Because Adware.Margoc!rem's focus is on downloading adware, users will see plenty of obvious signs of infection. The greatest danger, however, lies in the less obvious potential system damage other malware can cause.
  • Like many other kinds of malware, Adware.Margoc!rem is able to target and disable your security. If you notice your firewall or anti-virus software not working, Adware.Margoc!rem or a similar Trojan could be at the root of it. This causes your computer to be vulnerable to both targeted and generalized attacks in the future
  • .

  • Some sources have also indicated that Adware.Margoc!rem registers a Browser Help Object, which may be used to interfere with or record your web browsing activities.

Your Response to Adware.Margoc!rem's Underhanded Marketing

There can be no rational response to this Trojan's presence other than to delete Adware.Margoc!rem as quickly as possible. Adware.Margoc!rem is a newer infection that hasn't yet been thoroughly pinned down in all possible traits and damage; in addition, Adware.Margoc!rem may use rootkit techniques to make removal especially difficult.

Because of all these things, one should usually resort to good brands of anti-malware tools instead of deleting Adware.Margoc!rem one file at a time. If you've kept the necessary software to protect your computer in the first place, removal of the Adware.Margoc!rem threat should be a fairly simple task if done expediently.

File System Modifications

  • The following files were created in the system:
    # File Name
    1 %PROGRAM_FILES%\Adware.Margoc!rem
    2 c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Adware.Margoc!rem\
    3 c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Adware.Margoc!rem\

Registry Modifications

  • The following newly produced Registry Values are: