Home Malware Programs Trojans Trojan.Spyeye.B


Posted: July 29, 2011

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 8/10
Infected PCs: 7
First Seen: July 29, 2011
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Mal/SpyEye-B, also known as TR/Spy.SpyEyes.czv or TR/Injector.BI, is a spyware program that SpywareRemove.com malware experts have recently discovered to be promoted by fake Facebook e-mail. These e-mail messages include a fraudulent message about your account supposedly being canceled, with a link enclosed to react to the cancellation request. While this link does lead to Facebook, the page it loads includes a malicious Java application that installs Mal/SpyEye-B and a second Trojan. Since Mal/SpyEye-B and other members of the SpyEye family can steal bank-related information without showing obvious symptoms of their attacks, SpywareRemove.com malware researchers recommend that you try the appropriate security software to uproot and delete Mal/SpyEye-B whenever you suspect a potential Mal/SpyEye-B infection. Some variants of Mal/SpyEye-B may also include worm capabilities, which require that care be taken to avoid spreading Mal/SpyEye-B to other computers via removable drives or wireless networks.

Mal/SpyEye-B and the Smiling Face That Steals Your Bank Account

The latest Mal/SpyEye-B attacks have used the favorite malware-proliferating tactic of mass-mailed e-mail messages masquerading as legitimate alerts from authority figures; in Mal/SpyEye-B's case, that figure is Facebook, and its message is formatted to look similar to an actual Facebook message. Mal/SpyEye-B spam can be identified by the text below:

Hi [email address]

We are sending you this email to inform you that we have received an account cancellation request from you. Please follow the link below to confirm or cancel this request

The Facebook Team

To confirm or cancel this request, follow the link below:
click here

As is always the case with spam-related links, you can avoid any risks from the message in question merely by navigating to the base website without using the enclosed link, if you have any doubts about whether or not the message is legitimate. SpywareRemove.com malware researchers have traced this link back to its source, which, ironically, really is a Facebook page – but a Facebook page that's hosting a malicious Java application. If you run the JavaScript package, you'll be prompted to make an update to Flash that, instead of updating Flash, infects your PC with Mal/SpyEye-B and Troj/Agent-WHZ.

After installation, Mal/SpyEye-B can steal information that's entered into any web browser forms or even simply typed by keyboard. Mal/SpyEye-B and other SpyEye variants can use these attacks to steal bank information, such as passwords and usernames, although they can also be used to steal other types of private data. SpywareRemove.com malware experts warn that most variants of SpyEye like Mal/SpyEye-B don't display visible symptoms or even a separate memory process (since they prefer to inject their code into normal Windows processes). Rootkit components can also allow Mal/SpyEye-B to remain open in Safe Mode, and you should be ready to use any necessary safety measures to disable and remove Mal/SpyEye-B with an appropriate anti-malware application.

The Worm That Writhes Beneath Mal/SpyEye-B's Socializing Grin

Some variants of Mal/SpyEye-B also include worm-based functions; these versions of Mal/SpyEye-B are often identified by aliases such as Worm:Win32/Nusump, Trojan-Spy.Win32.SpyEyes, TrojanSpy.SpyEyes!ONex3HnVi08 or Worm/Nusump.A.10. Relevant attacks that SpywareRemove.com malware researchers recommend you guard against during any potential Mal/SpyEye-B worm infection include:

  • Infection via removable hard drives and local networks. Worm versions of Mal/SpyEye-B will spread to these locations automatically and can use Autorun exploits to infect any PC that accesses these resources.
  • Infection via Windows Live Messenger. Mal/SpyEye-B will gather your contact list and 'spam' them with links to itself without your consent. SpywareRemove.com malware researchers note that the link included in these messages direct to files on a remote server rather than attempting to send file attachments from the infected PC.

Because Mal/SpyEye-B is a high-level PC threat in all of its variants, you should use anti-malware products to delete all of Mal/SpyEye-B's components if you suspect that your computer's been compromised by a Mal/SpyEye-B attack. SpywareRemove.com malware researchers also recommend keeping JavaScript disabled by default and only acquiring Flash-related updates from reputable sites since either of these safeguards will block Mal/SpyEye-B's favorite installation tactic.


Trj/Downloader.MDW [Panda]Agent2.AHRX [AVG]Trojan-Spy.Win32.SpyEyes [Ikarus]Trojan.Win32.Generic.pak!cobra [Sunbelt]Trojan:Win32/Spyeye.B [Microsoft]Trojan-Spy.Win32.SpyEyes!IK [a-squared]Trojan/Win32.SpyEyes.gen [Antiy-AVL]Win32/ASuspect.HAEFE [eTrust-Vet]Mal/Spyeye-A [Sophos]Heuristic.BehavesLike.Win32.Suspicious.H [McAfee-GW-Edition]TR/Spy.SpyEyes.A [AntiVir]Trojan.PWS.SpySweep.1 [DrWeb]Trojan.Agent.AOOD [BitDefender]Trojan-Spy.Win32.SpyEyes.h [Kaspersky]Win32:Spyware-gen [Avast]
More aliases (24)

Technical Details

File System Modifications

Tutorials: If you wish to learn how to remove malware components manually, you can read the tutorials on how to find malware, kill unwanted processes, remove malicious DLLs and delete other harmful files. Always be sure to back up your PC before making any changes.

The following files were created in the system:

C:\cleansweep.exe File name: cleansweep.exe
Size: 103.93 KB (103936 bytes)
MD5: e6ae410803e45c901b07303d3b6963f3
Detection count: 7
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Path: C:\cleansweep.exe
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: July 29, 2011
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\jxiz.exe File name: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\jxiz.exe
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Group: Malware file

Registry Modifications

The following newly produced Registry Values are:

HKEY..\..\{Value}HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Taskman = C:\Documents and Settings\test user\Application Data\jxiz.exe