Home Malware Programs Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) Spice Nice Ads

Spice Nice Ads

Posted: March 30, 2015

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 2/10
Infected PCs: 37
First Seen: March 26, 2015
Last Seen: April 27, 2020
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Spice Nice is an aggressive adware that creates plenty of ads. They may flood the majority of websites and in turn make the browsing experience unpleasant. The Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) claims to enhance the on-line shopping by displaying good deals and bargains. However, this is just an excuse and the real intentions of the Spice Nice's authors are quite different. They want to generate web traffic towards third-party sites which in turn earns them money as a commission. While extending their partner network for maximum profits, the creators of the PUP may accidentally include malicious sites. If the user clicks on an ad that leads to such domain, his computer may be infected with malware. To prevent the danger and to remove the annoying ads, people should consider removing Spice Nice. The adware infiltration may easily be avoided if the user installs cost-free programs through the 'Advanced' guide and deselects any additional components.

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