Home Malware Programs Rogue Anti-Virus Programs Palladium Antivirus

Palladium Antivirus

Posted: January 2, 2011

Palladium Antivirus is a variant of other known rogue anti-virus products. Although Palladium Antivirus outwardly behaves like a friendly and useful security scanner would, all of its results are, in fact, preset. The criminals behind Palladium Antivirus simply want victims to give away money in exchange for a registered version of their hostile product. If you can't avoid being infected by Palladium Antivirus for some reason or other, consider deleting Palladium Antivirus the only serious option for maintaining the safety of your computer.

Following Palladium Antivirus's Trail

Palladium Antivirus is only a slight name change for an older core of malware code that has been reused in faulty rogue anti-virus products like Security Shield and Defense Center. Although it looks a little different, Palladium Antivirus's behavior is essentially identical to many other rogue anti-virus products seen today. Infection rates point to Russia as the country of origin, and since Palladium Antivirus has arrived only in 2011, security software that hasn't been updated recently may not be able to counter Palladium Antivirus.
Rogue anti-virus software such as Palladium Antivirus can be spread through social networking message links, infected software updates and P2P file transfers, Trojan infections and misleading website links and error messages.
In all instances, keeping your security software updated and active at all times, as well as using high security settings on your operating system and browser are the best ways of keeping the Palladium Antivirus infection off your hard drive.

Palladium Antivirus Rogue Scanner's Pesky Imitation

So far, reports haven't indicated that Palladium Antivirus uses any noteworthy tactics different from its kin, being content simply to use the same old traps under a different fake brand. If you see any of these symptoms on your computer, it's highly likely your system is infected. This should be dealt with by ignoring the infection's false statements, and then using real security software to clean Palladium Antivirus out.

  • Browser misbehavior such as hijacking. Rogue anti-virus products like Palladium Antivirus will frequently redirect the user's browser to its own website for the purpose of stealing money or private information. False error messages and deliberately blocking safe websites may also be used to give the hijacking a cheap justification for happening.
  • Palladium Antivirus or another rogue anti-virus program appearing during system startup, especially before your desktop is accessible. This is intended to impress upon the user the usefulness of the rogue anti-virus software, since Palladium Antivirus will claim to be able to delete many infections after a scan. However, Palladium Antivirus has no scanning or malware-removal abilities, and its displayed results are preset in the code.
  • Frequent error messages. Palladium Antivirus will create these to panic the user and cause them to latch with desperation onto Palladium Antivirus itself as a quick fix solution. All error messages reported by this rogue software are false, and the only way to make the errors stop is to delete Palladium Antivirus.

Although these are the most notable problems that Palladium Antivirus and its related rogue anti-virus software can cause, they can also do worse. The presence of Palladium Antivirus on your computer will also open your system up to other malware attacks, which can result in a veritable rainbow of problems. Removing Palladium Antivirus isn't just a luxury, but a necessity if you want your computer to go back to operating normally.

File System Modifications

  • The following files were created in the system:
    # File Name
    1 %AppData%\Palladium.exe
    2 %Programs%\Palladium Antivirus\Palladium Antivirus.lnk
    3 %Programs%\Startup\Palladium Antivirus.lnk

Registry Modifications

  • The following newly produced Registry Values are:
    HKEY..\..\..\..{Subkeys}HKCU\Software\Palladium Pro\

Use SpyHunter to Detect and Remove PC Threats

If you are concerned that malware or PC threats similar to Palladium Antivirus may have infected your computer, we recommend you start an in-depth system scan with SpyHunter. SpyHunter is an advanced malware protection and remediation application that offers subscribers a comprehensive method for protecting PCs from malware, in addition to providing one-on-one technical support service.

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Why can't I open any program including SpyHunter? You may have a malware file running in memory that kills any programs that you try to launch on your PC. Tip: Download SpyHunter from a clean computer, copy it to a USB thumb drive, DVD or CD, then install it on the infected PC and run SpyHunter's malware scanner.

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